
Mutator "Gift From Decoration" for MonsterHunt UT99

Primary LanguageUnrealScript


Mutator "Gift From Decoration" for MonsterHunt UT99

Break decorations (barrels, tables, chairs, statues, etc.) to get inventory items (Armor, Health, Damage booster, Shield, weapons, etc.) for a limited time.

Before the disappearance of the gift is a countdown. If the current weapon has disappeared, it will switch to the "best" weapon. If it was Armor, it will disappear. If the Inventory was expendable, such as ammo or Health pack - there will be no timer, Health will not decrease.

You can specify any inventory objects in the settings. For example, a BPak weapon.

If a player controls a Redemeer rocket during its disappearance, there may be various special effects. Usually the rocket remains guided, but there is no crosshair, it is impossible to detonate it with a click, only crashing into something. Also when Redemeer disappear rocket make sharp turn to launch orientation. With all sorts of Jet can be a problems.

The weapon that is picked up is disappear. Ammo remains. Therefore, if you do not use a Redemeer, then the next time there will be two rocket on it, not one.