Designed to create, store and maintain personal contacts list.

The application consists of two parts:

  • list of contacts;
  • detailed information of the specific contact.

List of contacts features:

  • add new contact (button Add new contact) with the ability to add/remove custom fields to/from the contact details form;
  • delete contact. The following options are provided: -- delete a specific contact (button Delete); -- delete selected contacts. Must select contacts by clicking checkbox or select all contacts (button Select all contacts) and click button Delete selected contacts. It is also possible to deselect contacts (button Unselect contacts).

All contacts data is stored in browser local storage.

To view or edit specific contact details, go to the page with detailed information of the contact (button View details / Edit).

Detailed information of the contact features:

  • edit existing details with the ability to rename fields (button Edit);
  • delete fields (button Delete);
  • add new fields (button Add field).

To save the changes made, click the button Save changes. Provided functionality undo (button Undo) and redo (button Redo).

To return to the list of contacts, click the button Back to contacts list.



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