GitHub has sold us out. This is the GitHub Evacuation Center.

BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft GitHub just censored this project from its Trending page

We were the #1 project and the #4 "developer" before they deleted us. Maybe it was too embarrassing?

We have not violated any terms of service.

Is this Microsoft GitHub's commitment to an open platform for all projects? Will this repo be deleted too? Will other projects that compete with Microsoft products or challenge its dominance be on the chopping block next?

GitHub has sold us out. This is the GitHub Evacuation Center.

Sold out.

Some will go with the flow. Some look forward to the new overlords and their deep pockets.

But some believe deeply that the open source community needs an independent home. Some believe that the concentration of so much power in the hands of so few is antithetical not just to free and open software, but also to a free and just society. We, the contributors and stargazers of this project are such people. This project is for us. Star this repo to count yourself in. #resist

so, what's the goal?

The immediate goal is to be a sort of GitHub Evacuation Center. A space for evacuees to declare their status (in protest to GitHub, Microsoft and the world). A space to learn or share escape routes — In the coming days we will collaboratively put together resources and guides on where best to move you and your projects and how.

Long term the goal is to seed a resistance movement for a free, open and people-driven internet in service of a free, open and people-driven world.

status update

This is was the #1 trending repo on GitHub — until they censored us. We were gaining around 1,500 stars per day in only our 4th day of existence — until they buried us. There have been over 122,000 views and over 33,000 unique visitors.

To get notifications of updates, we recommend you place a watch on this repo. You can also follow upend.org on twitter or send an email to github.evacuees@upend.org.

how to help

You can contribute in finding the best alternative(s) to GitHub at bderiso/Microsoft-Github-acquisition. This is the first step towards a complete migration off of GitHub.

Spread the word within GitHub any way you can. Help people who'd want to be here find us. Outside GitHub: share, tweet or post a link to this repo.