
Install a Proxmox based LXC container.


Run this role on your Proxmox server(s) as host. If you specify a group of multiple servers, the LXC container will only be installed once due to run_once: true in all tasks.

Role Variables

vars/main.yaml contains

  • debiantemplate
  • ubuntultstemplate
  • ubuntutemplate
  • fedoratemplate

Change the values of these variables to the paths to the different LXC templates.


debiantemplate: '{{ cttemplatestor }}:vztmpl/debian-11-standard_11.0-1_amd64.tar.gz'

Look at defaults/main.yaml for variables to use in your playbooks.

  • distribution The distribution. Choose from debian, ubuntu, ubuntults or fedora. Defaults to debian.
  • proxmoxhost The (not FQDN) hostname of your Proxmox server. This can be the server
  • proxmoxdomain: ''
  • cttemplatestor: 'shai-hulud'
  • ostemplate: "{{ ubuntutemplate if distribution == 'ubuntu' else ubuntultstemplate if distribution == 'ubuntults' else debiantemplate if distribution == 'debian' else fedoratemplate if distribution == 'fedora'}}"
  • storage: 'local-zfs'
  • notes: 'Ansible node on {{ distribution }}'
  • cpuunits: '1024' # Default: 1024
  • vlan: '4'
  • mknod: false # set mknod to true and unprivileged to no when e.g. OpenConnect is needed
  • ppp: false # allow ppp for openfortivpn
  • unprivileged: true # 'no' or 'yes'
  • nesting: false # 'no' or 'yes' (only when unprivileged=0)
  • ct_password: "{{ proxmox_password }}"
  • permitrootlogin: no
  • lxcdomain: ''
  • netif: '{"net0":"name=eth0,ip=dhcp,ip6=auto,bridge=vmbr0,tag={{ vlan }}"}'
  • lxcnameserver: ''
  • memory: '1024'
  • swap: '256'
  • cores: '1'
  • disksize: '4' # disk Size of the root filesystem in Gigabytes

Example Playbook

- hosts: proxmox
     - { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }



Author Information

This role was created in 2021 by Alvin Demeyer.