
This sample serverless application is built with a CDK-based framework [SST](https://sst.dev/) and a UI written in React.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Url Shortener

This sample serverless application is built with a CDK-based framework SST and a UI written in React. Data is stored in DynamoDB.

The goal was to build a fully functional application that is very simple with as little boilerplate code and as few libraries as possible.

The application is deployed here:
(if not already removed)


The repository is structured as a monorepo with NPM workspaces.


  • frontend - The frontend written in React.
  • service\core - Business logic.
  • service\functions - Code for AWS Lambda.
  • service\test - Unit, integration and end-to-end tests.

How to run

npm run start

Starts the Live Lambda Development environment.

npm run build

Build your app and synthesize your stacks.

npm run deploy

Deploy all your stacks to AWS.

npm run remove

Remove all your stacks and all of their resources from AWS.

npm run test

Runs tests using Vitest. Vitest is a Jest compatible framework with some improvements.

REACT_APP_API_URL=xxx npm run start:fe

Starts the Development environment for the frontend. xxx is output from the deploy returned by npm run start or npm run deploy.

Room for improvements

  • There are only basic unit, integration, and end-to-end tests. None of the edge cases are covered.
  • A fully end-to-end test that includes UI with frameworks like Cypress, Selenium, Puppeteer, ... would be beneficial.
  • CI/CD is necessary for efficient development.
  • OpenApi/Swagger would help with documenting and communicating with the frontend team.