
Interfaith LMS in collaboration with Google and Being Bridges

Primary LanguageHTML


Interfaith LMS in collaboration with Google and Being Bridges



The file structure is as follows.

├── api-gateway
│   ├── app
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── cloudbuild.yaml
│   └── ...
├── frontend
│   ├── public
│   ├── src
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── cloudbuild.yaml
│   └── ...
├── users-microservices
│   ├── app
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── cloudbuild.yaml
│   └── ...
└── docker-compose.yml

To deploy each service, run gcloud builds submit in each service folder.

Storing secrets

Detailed guide on GCP.

Each Rails microservice uses GCP Secret Manager to store the master.key to decrypt credentials.yml.enc.

EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit

After adding/editing the secrets, upload the value in master.key and save the secret as SECRET_NAME.

When viewing the secret details, obtain the PROJECT_ID value in projects/<PROJECT_ID>/secrets/<SECRET_NAME>.

Under Permissions > Grant Access, assign Secret Manager Secret Accessor to the accounts:

  • <PROJECT_ID>@cloudbuild.gserviceaccount.com
  • <PROJECT_ID>-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com

Then in the service's corresponding cloudbuild.yaml, edit substitutions:_SECRET_NAME to SECRET_NAME.

Local Development

Always make sure to git pull before you git commit your changes.

Read the README.md in each service folder for more instructions.

Running the app

Mac (Silicon)

In order to run all the microservices, please make sure that the stock terminal app is turned off before you do the following while kampung is your current working directory

sh start_dev.sh

This will launch the web app running on local host and will also turn on Cypress for testing.

Troubleshooting on Mac (Silicon)
sh restart_mac_dev.sh

Use this to troubleshoot your local installation as it re-downloads all the dependencies in each microservice.

Docker Compose

To run each service with its own containers, run this command in the root directory:

docker compose up -d

Behaviour-Driven Development

The automated tests are done with Cypress to simulate user behaviour on the Kampung.SG platform.

To check for the finalised reports ran on our deployed website please see the following file


For the full feature file for each of the tests you can visit


For the test code


Some of our custom-made commands are on


Running the tests

On deployment

  • To run the tests on deployment simply run the following.
cd frontend
npx cypress open # For GUI
npx cypress run # For CLI


Make sure to change the gatewayURL and the baseURL based on which port the react app is running. In the following example, and as per this documentation, the port will be 3000 and is commented out in the image below. Make sure to uncomment it

  • On cypress.config.js

Alt tex


Software Architecture


Service Port
React Frontend 3000
API Gateway 3001
Curriculum 3002
Forum 3003
Users 3004
ML 3005
Inactivity 3006