
New repository for developing a plugin to integrate between ITSM DevOps and GitLab pipelines

CLI example using npm modules

Build and install

npm install .

Running the cli commands

node src/index.js

Follow the prompts to create a package or type --help to get more informaiton

node src/index.js --help

Creating a bin executable

To create a symlink sndevopscli, run the following commmand

npm link


npm install -g .

This will create a executable sndevopscli in bin folder ( /usr/loca/bin/)

Running CLI

sndevopscli create package --help

Removing symlink

npm unlink .

Creating Docker Image

Building Docker Image

docker build -t servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0 .
docker push servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0

Integrating with GitLab

Example Gitlab project

Integrating with GitHub

Example Github project

Integrating with Harness

Example Harness project

Env variables

SNOW_URL = <servicenow-instance-url>
SNOW_TOKEN = <servicenow-tool-token>
SNOW_TOOLID = <servicenow-tool-id>

Additonal Env variables

CI_PIPELINE_ID: <pipeline-id>
CI_API_V4_URL: <pipeline-url>
CI_JOB_ID: <pipeline-execution-id>
CI_PROJECT_PATH: <repository-path>
CI_REPOSITORY_NAME: <repository-name>
CI_RUN_ATTEMPT: <pipeline-attempt-number>
CI_PROJECT_TITLE: <pipeline-name>

Optional Env variables

CI_COMMIT_BRANCH: <commit-branch>
CI_WORKFLOW_NAME: <workflow-name>

Example with passing all ServiceNow information via commandline

This custom step needs to be added at job level to create artifact or package in ServiceNow instance.

  - package

  stage: package
  image: servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0
    - sndevopscli create artifact -a '[{"name":"artifact-name-$CI_JOB_ID","repositoryName":"artifact-repo-name" ,"version":"1.3.0"}]'
    - sndevopscli create package -n "package-name" -a '[{"name":"artifact-name-$CI_JOB_ID","repositoryName":"artifact-repo-name" ,"version":"1.3.0"}]


  - package

  stage: package
  image: servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0
    - sndevopscli create artifact -u <serviceno-url> -t <tool-id> --token <tool-token> -a '[{"name":"artifact-name-$CI_JOB_ID","repositoryName":"artifact-repo-name" ,"version":"1.3.0"}]'
    - sndevopscli create package -u <serviceno-url> -t <tool-id> --token <tool-token> -n "package-mame" -a '[{"name":"artifact-name-$CI_JOB_ID","repositoryName":"artifact-repo-name" ,"version":"1.3.0"}]

 -a : [mandatory]
 This specifies artifact details.

 -n : [mandatory]
 This specifies package details.

Example of change creation for ServiceNow via commandline

This custom step needs to be added at job level to create change in ServiceNow instance.

  - DevOpsChangeApproval

ServiceNow DevOps Change:
  stage: DevOpsChangeApproval
  image: servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0
    - sndevopscli create change -p '{"changeStepDetails":{"timeout":3600,"interval":100},"attributes":{"short_description":"Automated Software Deployment","description":"Automated Software Deployment.","assignment_group":"XXXXXXX","implementation_plan":"Software update is tested and results can be found in Test Summaries Tab.","backout_plan":"When software fails in production, the previous software release will be re-deployed.","test_plan":"Testing if the software was successfully deployed or not"}}'

-p: [optional]
Change Attributes payload in JSON format

-ctx: [optional]
Additional context parameters in JSON format. These details will be used to build the request for the DevOps Change API

-w: [optional]
Specify for the pipeline to wait for change creation and approval. By default, the pipeline will be waiting until the change creation and it's approval

changeStepDetails: [optional]
It holds the timeout and interval details.

interval: [optional]
The time in seconds to wait between trying the API. The default value is 100 seconds.

timeout: [optional]
The maximum time in seconds to wait until the action should fails. The default value is 3600 seconds.

attributes: [optional]
The change request attribute details are to be used while creating change in ServiceNow instance. The change request is a JSON object surrounded by curly braces {} containing key-value pairs separated by a comma ,. A key-value pair consists of a key and a value separated by a colon :. The keys supported in key-value pair are short_description, description, assignment_group, implementation_plan, backout_plan, test_plan etc.

Example of sonar summary for ServiceNow via commandline

This custom step needs to be added at job level to create sonar summary in ServiceNow instance.

  - DevOpsSonarStage

ServiceNow DevOps Sonar Scan Results:
  stage: DevOpsSonarStage
  image: servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0
    - sndevopscli create sonar -url '' -projectKey 'xxxxxxx' -branch 'master'

url: [mandatory]
This specifies the sonar url.

projectKey: [mandatory]
This specifies the sonar project key.

branch: [optional]
This specifies the branch on which the Sonar scan was executed. By default, it matches the branch for which the build was run. Note, for Harness, the branch option is required if CI_COMMIT_BRANCH is not provided.

Example of Registring Security scan results in ServiceNow via commandline

This custom step needs to be added at job level to register security scan results in ServiceNow instance.

  - DevOpsSecurityScanStage

ServiceNow DevOps Security Scan Results:
  stage: DevOpsSecurityScanStage
  image: servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0
    - sndevopscli create securityScan -p "{\"pipelineInfo\":{\"buildNumber\":\"${CI_PIPELINE_ID}\",\"pipelineExecutionUrl\":\"${CI_PIPELINE_URL}\" },\"securityResultAttributes\":{ \"scanner\":\"Veracode\",\"applicationName\":\"PetStoreAPI-Github\",\"buildVersion\":\"\",\"securityToolId\":\"\"}}"

-p: [mandatory]
 It the payload of security result attributes. The payload will have attributes as follows:
  buildNumber: CI_PIPELINE_ID (mandatory)
  pipelineExecutionUrl: CI_PIPELINE_URL (mandatory)
  scanner: Scanning tool and is required e.g. Checkmarx One.
  projectName/projectId: Name/Id of your Checkmarx One project and is required. This attribute is applicable only for Checkmarx One.
  applicationName: Name of your Veracode application and is required. This attribute is applicable only for Veracode.
  buildVersion": Veracode Scan name / build version and is optional. This attribute is applicable only for Veracode.
  scanId: Checkmarx One scan id and is optional. This attribute is applicable only for Checkmarx One.
  securityToolId: Security tool onboarded in ServiceNow (sys_id of the onboarded security tool) and is optional.

Example of get change for ServiceNow via commandline

This custom step needs to be added at job level to get changeRequestNumber from ServiceNow instance with provided changeDetails to identify the change-request.

  - DevOpsGetChange

ServiceNow DevOps Get Change:
  stage: DevOpsGetChange
  image: servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0
    - sndevopscli get change -p "{\"buildNumber\":${CHG_JOB_ID},\"stageName\":\"ServiceNow DevOps Change Step\",\"pipelineName\":\"GitlabDockerGetAndUpdateChange\"}"

-p: It stands for changeDetails. The change details to be used for identifying change request in ServiceNow instance. The change details is a JSON object surrounded by curly braces {} containing key-value pair separated by a comma ,. A key-value pair consists of a key and a value separated by a colon :. The keys supported in key-value pair are buildNumber, pipelineName, stageName

buildNumber: [mandatory]
This specifies ID of the Job where we have created change request.

stageName: [mandatory]
This specifies the Job name where we have created change request..

pipelineName: [mandatory]
This specifies the pipeline name.

  sndevopschg.json file created with content: {
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "changeRequestNumber": "CHGXXXXX"
  changeRequestNumber: Change Request Number found for the given change details
  status: To know the status of the Change Request GET.

Example of update change for ServiceNow via commandline

This custom step needs to be added at job level to Update change in ServiceNow instance for the changeRequestNumber provided as input along with changeRequestDetails.

  - DevOpsUpdateChangeStage

ServiceNow DevOps Update Change:
  stage: DevOpsUpdateChangeStage
  image: servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0
    - sndevopscli update change -n 'CHGXXXXXX' -p "{\"short_description\":\"Automated Software Deployment\",\"description\":\"Automated Software Deployment.\",\"assignment_group\":\"XXXXX\",\"implementation_plan\":\"Software update is tested and results can be found in Test Summaries Tab.\",\"backout_plan\":\"When software fails in production, the previous software release will be re-deployed.\",\"test_plan\":\"Testing if the software was successfully deployed or not\"}"

-n [Not mandatory if we have sndevopschg.json in our pipeline yml]: It stands for changeRequestNumber. The change request number to identify a unique change request. 
   Precedence of choosing changeRequestNumber: 
     - changeRequestNumber mentioned in the pipeline yml
     - changeRequestNumber stored in sndevopschg.json.

-p : It stands for changeDetails. The change details to be used for Updating the change request information identified by the specified change request number with the key-value pairs. The change details is a JSON object surrounded by curly braces {} containing key-value pair separated by a comma ,. A key-value pair consists of a key and a value separated by a colon :. The keys supported in key-value pair are short_description, state, description, work_notes on

  - sndevopscli update change -p "{\"short_description\":\"Updated Automated Software Deployment\",\"description\":\"Automated Software Deployment.\",\"assignment_group\":\"XXXXXXXXXX\",\"implementation_plan\":\"Software update is tested and results can be found in Test Summaries Tab.\",\"backout_plan\":\"When software fails in production, the previous software release will be re-deployed.\",\"test_plan\":\"Testing if the software was successfully deployed or not\"}"

NOTE: State should be specified at last in case if you are update the state of change request.
- sndevopscli update change -p "{\"short_description\":\"Updated Automated Software Deployment\",\"description\":\"Automated Software Deployment.\",\"assignment_group\":\"XXXXXXXXXX\",\"implementation_plan\":\"Software update is tested and results can be found in Test Summaries Tab.\",\"backout_plan\":\"When software fails in production, the previous software release will be re-deployed.\",\"test_plan\":\"Testing if the software was successfully deployed or not\","state":"3"}'

Example to incorporate autoCloseChange feature for ServiceNow via commandline

  - changeapproval

ServiceNow DevOps Change Step:
  stage: changeapproval
  image: servicenowdocker/sndevops:5.1.0
     - sndevopscli create change -p "{\"changeStepDetails\":{\"timeout\":3600,\"interval\":100},\"autoCloseChange\":true,\"attributes\":{\"short_description\":\"Automated Software Deployment\",\"description\":\"Automated Software Deployment.\",\"assignment_group\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"implementation_plan\":\"Software update is tested and results can be found in Test Summaries Tab.\",\"backout_plan\":\"When software fails in production, the previous software release will be re-deployed.\",\"test_plan\":\"Testing if the software was successfully deployed or not\"}}"
autoCloseChange: [optional] : Boolean value