
Examples of the ServiceNow SDK

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ServiceNow SDK Samples

This repository contains sample code illustrating the ServiceNow SDK and Fluent language. You can read, play with or adapt from these samples to create your own application.


You need to use node v20+ to run the examples.


  • git clone https://github.com/ServiceNow/sdk-examples
  • code <sample directory> to open one of the sample projects, e.g. hello-world-sample
  • npm install
  • npm run build to build any of the sample projects if desired

NOTE: You will not build this project from the root, instead going to each directory and installing and building there. It is suggested to use this source as templates to assist creating similar types in your projects instead of attempting to deploy them to your instance directly.


Sample Name API & Contribution
Application Menu Application Menu example
Business Rule Business Rule example
Client Script Client Script example
Dependencies Use table dependencies example
Hello World Basic sample application
List List example
Scripted Rest API RestApi simple example
Cross-Scope Module How to call module cross-scope
Record Record example
Tables Tables API sample
Automated Test Framework ATF test sample