Bias Correction Tool for GPM precipitation data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Bias Correction Tool for GPM precipitation data

Operationalization of bias-corrected satellite observations via GPM IMERG products in the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Riverine Flood Forecasting System

Version 1.3.2


Model setup

GPM_BICO tool is a directory holding all the data needed to run the model. The Output file is automatically created to allocate the raster files and csv files processed during the simulation. The model contains the following folders:

● Scripts: Folder holding the scripts of the model

● RainData: Directory holding the rain gauges input from HYDROmet

● Inputmaps: Directory holdin the zonification raster file

● Shapes: Directory holding the rain station points in format *.shp In addition, the model contains the following files

● Ini_config.cgf : The configuration setting for the GPM-BICO tool

● Runner.bat: Executable file to run the model


● gdal

● numpy

● pandas

● netcdf4

● pyftpdlib

● pykrige

● scipy

● pyshp

● scikit-learn

● oi (install using pip e.g. pip install io)

These packages can be installed using anaconda via command prompt.

 conda env create -f environment.yml