
A simple web application demonstrating how to combine the Google Maps API with the Google Earth API.

Primary LanguagePython


This directory contains an incomplete Python website that is meant to be run on Google App Engine and communicate with Google Earth Engine and the Google Maps API.


  • Install the Google App Engine Python SDK (is this the same as google-cloud-sdk?) and launch “dev_appserver.py .”
  • Call localhost:8080/getmap to get eeMapId and eeToken (is this the right port?)
  • In the Javascript console, run: showEEMap(eeMapId, eeToken) => “EE Map Type:” + eeMapType
  • Uncomment // map.overlayMapTypes.push(eeMapType); in script.js

Certificate Error Note

Google apparently messed up the authentication certificates in (at least) App Engine Python SDK versions 1.9.40 (where urlfetch_cacerts.txt lacks any newer version of the cert) and 1.9.49 (where urlfetch_cacerts.txt contains the two expired versions and also the current version).

According to a message thread at https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=13477, the fix is this:

wget https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem -O /opt/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/lib/cacerts/urlfetch_cacerts.txt

Windows Library Note

OpenSSL and pyCrypto are not available by default on Windows 10. These will need to be manually installed before launching dev_appserver.py.