Kubernetes The Hard Way - Azure version

Inspired in Kubernetes The Hard Way from the Kubernetes legend Kelsey Hightower.
The purpose of the original repo is building a Kubernetes cluster step by step using raw servers. As Kelsey indicates, this should never be used in production. It is a highly recommended exercise for those aspiring to master Kubernetes and a must-do for CKA prospects.
Kelsey uses VMs on GCP. I have done an equivalent for Azure. For production projects, check Azure Kubernetes Service


You need an Azure subscription and AZ CLI installed.
Update the variables vmUser and vm_public_key with your desired values in config.sh.

Deploy the project

In order to run it, execute the numbered scripts one by one and analyze carefully what each step does. The script AUX_run-all.sh launches all scripts in sequence. The whole process might take up to 30 minutes.