
Backend PHP application for hexaland

Primary LanguagePHP

Hexaland Slim 4 PHP api.

This application is built on top of Slim Framework. It has mysql, redis and php_myadmin setup. Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application. This application uses the latest Slim 4 with Slim PSR-7 implementation and PHP-DI container implementation. It also uses the Monolog logger.

Used phinx for running migrations.

Install the Application

  • Point your virtual host document root to your new application's public/ directory.
  • Ensure logs/ is web writable.

To run the application in development, you can run these commands

use docker-compose to run the app with docker, so you can run these commands:

cd hexaland
docker-compose up -d // To run in detached mode.

If running for the first time please run the following commands

Run Migrations

  • If you have not already started, start docker containers by running
docker-compose up
  • Run these command
docker-compose exec slim vendor/bin/phinx migrate
docker-compose exec slim vendor/bin/phinx seed:run -v

After that, open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Run this command in the application directory to run the test suite Tests are not yet implemented.

composer test