
This a terraform module + image used to deploy a fault tolerant single node mongodb instance in AWS EC2

Primary LanguageHCL


This a terraform module + image used to deploy a fault tolerant single node mongodb instance in AWS EC2. It creates an autoscalling group with a single member that has an EBS volume attached to it. In case of error due to EC2 the instance gets terminated and the autoscaller ensures it creates another instance with the same image having the same EBS volume attach to it. This results in self healing mongodb single node configuration.


  1. Copy ./examples/main.tf to ./main.tf and modify it to your use case.

  2. Build the AMI with mongodb 3.6 and awscli installed

packer build -var 'region=[REGION]' -var 'subnet_id=[SUBNET_ID]' ./images/aws-mongodb-self-healing/image.pkr.hcl

  1. Modify your ./main.tf to include the proper AMI id generated from Packer

  2. Initialize the terraform play

terraform init

  1. Apply the terraform play

terraform apply

  1. Log in to your mongodb instance and execute

mongo test --eval 'db.x.insertOne({x: 1})'

  1. Terminate forcefully your instance to validate the autoscalling group is working

aws autoscaling terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group --instance-id [INSTANCE_ID] --no-should-decrement-desired-capacity

  1. Log to the newly created instance and execute

mongo test --eval 'db.x.findOne()'

The output should be { "_id" : ObjectId("..."), "x" : 1 }