
Rain in your browser to set your CPU on fire!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Rainstorm is, you guessed it, another script to rain images and elements in the browser window. Now, get your unbrellas ! Rainstorm is a flexible object, allowing you to change the settings mid-rain via the console or a panel you created. To make the rain feel even more immersive, audio and lightning flash settings are also included.

You can find a live example @ https://sethclydesdale.github.io/rainstorm/

Getting started

Rainstorm is easy to install, requiring only a single script. You can add this script directly in your <head> section, or at the end of your <body> tag. Depending on your preferences, a minified and unminified version are available to you.

Read on for more information on how to execute and modify Rainstorm.

  1. Basic settings
  2. Audio settings
  3. Lightning settings
  4. Rainstorm methods

Basic settings

Basic settings allow you to define the basic settings of a rain storm !

  1. autoRain
  2. fixRain
  3. rainRate
  4. fallRate
  5. maxDrops
  6. image


autorain allows you to specify whether or not the Rainstorm should start directly after the object is created. This takes a boolean value of true or false, setting it to true will automatically start the rain when the script executes. Note however, that the script should be placed in the <body> or a DOM ready event if this option is enabled.

Can be modified once the object is created.

rainStorm.autoRain = true; // enable autoRain

rainStorm.autoRain = false; // disable autoRain

Doesn't have much effect once the object is created, as it's meant for runtime.


fixRain allows you to choose if the rain should be fixed to the viewpoint or not. If set to true, the rain will stay where it is, regardless of where you are on the page.

This setting can be modified after the object is created.

rainStorm.fixRain = true; // fix the rain to the screen

rainStorm.fixRain = false; // rain remains absolute


rainRate specifies the spawn rate of new rain drops. Setting this to a low value will spawn droplets really faster, whereas a higher value will slow the spawn rate.

This setting can be modified after the object is created, but it requires stopping and starting the rainstorm to take effect.

rainStorm.rainRate = 300; // default rainRate, 300ms

rainStorm.rainRate = 50; // fast rainRate

rainStorm.rainRate = 1000;// slow rainRate


fallRate specifies the falling speed of rain drops. Higher values have a slower fallRate whereas lower values have a faster fallRate.

This setting can be modified after the object is created.

rainStorm.fallRate = 50; // default fallRate, 50ms

rainStorm.fallRate = 10; // faster fallRate

rainStorm.fallRate = 300; // slower fallRate


maxDrops specifies the amount of rain drops that can be active in the DOM at once.

This setting can be modified after the object is created.

rainStorm.maxDrops = 30; // default rain drops allowed

rainStorm.maxDrops = 300; // Many rain drops !

rainStorm.maxDrops = 5; // Just a drizzle !


image allows you to specifiy and image for the rain drops. If no image is defined, a CSS fallback is used instead.

This setting can be modified after the object is created, however, if there was no image to begin with, the page will need to be reloaded as the fallback is a DIV.

rainStorm.image = 'graphics/droplet-2.png'; // snow ?!

Audio settings

Audio settings allow you to modify the audio settings of the storm !

  1. Enable audio
  2. mp3
  3. wav

Enable audio

The enabled setting allows you to switch the audio on and off.

This setting can be modified after the object is created.

rainStorm.audio.enabled = true; // enable the sound of the storm

rainStorm.audio.enabled = false; // disable the sound of the storm


mp3 specifies the url to an mp3 audio file.

Can be modified after the object is created, but would require page reload if the storm was already running.

rainStorm.audio.mp3 = 'audio/rain.mp3'; // link to your mp3 file


wav specifies the url to a wav audio file.

Can be modified after the object is created, but would require page reload if the storm was already running.

rainStorm.audio.wav = 'audio/rain.wav'; // link to your wav file

Lightning settings

Lightning settings allow you to harness the power of lightning.

  1. Enable lightning
  2. Chances

Enable lightning

enabled allows you to enable or disable the lightning flashes.

This setting can be modified after the object has been created.

rainStorm.lightning.enabled = true; // enable lightning flashes

rainStorm.lightning.enabled = false; // disable lightning flashes


chances allows you to specifiy how frequently the lightning flashes occur. Setting the value low makes them more frequent, whereas setting the value high makes them less frequent.

This setting can be modified after the object is created.

rainStorm.lightning.chances = 50; // default chance

rainStorm.lightning.chances = 10; // high chance

rainStorm.lightning.chances = 500; // low chance

Rainstorm methods

These methods can be invoked at anytime.

  1. rainStorm.start()
  2. rainStorm.stop()
  3. audio.on()
  4. audio.off()
  5. lightning.flash()


start allows you to start the storm. If you have autoRain disabled, you can start the storm with this method.

rainStorm.start(); // start the rain storm


stop allows you to stop the storm. Can be used for people that don't want to see it, or to reapply newly set settings.

rainStorm.stop(); // stop the rain storm


on allows you to play the audio.

rainStorm.audio.on(); // play storm audio


off allows you to pause the audio.

rainStorm.audio.off(); // pause storm audio


flash allows you to generate a flash of lightning.

rainStorm.lightning.flash(); // flash lightning