
A constructor for creating side menus in JavaScript, natively.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


What is SlideMenu-JS ? SlideMenu-JS is a constructor for creating side menus in JavaScript with ease. It's written natively, so you don't have to worry about using any libaries ! Plus it comes with a couple of handy methods for manipulating your menus. See the table of contents below to learn more about using this constructor.

Table of Contents

SlideMenu-JS Demo

Before installing SlideMenu-JS, you should see if it has what you're looking for ! You can view a demo of SlideMenu-JS in action by clicking here. If you like what you see, then feel free to install SlideMenu-JS on your website by reading the next section !

Installing SlideMenu-JS

To install SlideMenu-JS, you need only install two files in the <head> section of your website. The two files you need to install are as follows.

  1. slidemenu.js which defines SlideMenu in the global name space.
  2. slidemenu.css for the style and smoothness of the side menus.

Once the necessary files are installed, you're ready to create some side menus ! See the next section to learn how to use the constructor.

Using SlideMenu-JS

SlideMenu-JS, once installed, defines a new constructor in the global namespace called SlideMenu. To create a new side menu, you simply need to write new SlideMenu() like this :

var myMenu = new SlideMenu();

This of course will only give you a blank side menu. To completely customize your side menu, you must pass along a configuration object, like this :

var myMenu = new SlideMenu({
  id : 'myAwesomeMenu',
  size : '300px',
  position : 'left',
  content : '<h1>myMenu</h1>'+
            '<p>Hello world ! How do you like my new menu ?</p>',

  opacity : false,
  close_button : false,
  hide_overflow : false,

  button : {
    open : '+',
    close : '-',
    tooltip : 'Toggle slide menu',
    offset : '35px'

This will create a menu that's more customized which also contains default HTML content, so you're not left with an empty menu. Please see the table below for an explanation on each property in the config object.

SlideMenu Configuration

The configuration object is optional, but useful if you want to initialize your side menu with custom settings.

General Configuration

This section concerns the general appearnace of the menu.

property type description
id string A unique id for the slide menu. Use this option to give your menus unique ids, so that you can customize them individually.
size string The size of the slide menu. You can use any CSS measurement to set the size of your side menu.
position string The position of the slide menu. The valid values you can use are : top, right, bottom, and left.
content string, node Adds a DOM Node or HTML String to the side menu's content.
opacity boolean Show a semi-transparent overlay when the slide menu is opened.
close_button boolean Show a close button inside the slide menu when opened. It's recommended that you enable this option if your menu takes up the whole screen.
hide_overflow boolean Hides the document scroll bar when the slide menu is opened.

Button Configuration

This section concerns the general appearance of the menu button. The button config uses another object inside the configuration object called "button" :

var myMenu = new SlideMenu({
  button : {
    open : '🙂',
    close : '☹',
    tooltip : 'Toggle',
    offset : '60px'

See the table below for more information on the properties in the button object.

property type description
open string The open icon for the side menu button.
close string The close icon for the side menu button.
tooltip string The tooltip for the side menu button.
offset string The offset for the side menu button. It's recommended that you change this for each menu, so that the buttons of different side menus don't overlap each other. Like size you can use any CSS measurement.

These are all the initial configuration options that you can currently set. See the next section for information on the methods provided by the SlideMenu constructor.

SlideMenu Methods

If you cached your SlideMenu to a variable, you can utilize some methods which aid you in manipulating the menu. For the porition of this section, we'll be using myMenu as our variable.

var myMenu = new SlideMenu();


addContent(node, where)

This method is used for adding DOM Nodes or HTML strings to the slide menu's content.

myMenu.addContent('Hello world', 'end'); // HTML String

// DOM Node
var p = document.createElement('P');
p.innerHTML = 'foobar';

myMenu.addContent(p, 'begin');
myMenu.addContent(node, where); 
Parameter type Description
node string, node A DOM Node or HTML String that's to be added to the side menu.
where string Determines the insertion point of the DOM Node or HTML String. Valid values are end and begin.


Changes the position of the slide menu.

Parameter type Description
pos string The position of the side menu. Can be top, right, bottom, or left.


Sets the size (height or width ; depends on menu position) of the slide menu.

Parameter type Description
n string The size of the side menu. Can be any valid CSS measurement.


Toggles the state of the side menu ; opens or closes it.
