Personal Telegram bot with a wide range of capabilities, it stays in permanent proof of concept stage so don't blame me for quality of code )
- ahmetzyanovMCK-KTITS
- AlexanderChe
- AltekUA
- amitsathvara
- antonguzunLimassol, Cyprus
- artscadaKazakstan
- BanHammerYKTJSB "Almazergienbank"
- Botaliy
- DetectMR
- dobriydenis
- goin7
- golanghackEurope
- gptubpkCsHKzjC8fKcRXUdK6SbECPM49P5Xu46U
- hirak0
- jeffmartsonVirgin Islands
- jeradsloan
- Kaluchii
- kehoecj@Boeing
- Kenya-WestNEFU
- lifeless192
- liuzl<-Baidu/Tencent/MSRA
- MasqueradeMachine
- NetvoiangelRussia
- neuromax1
- noobAIcoder
- noouTashkent
- ParAmbula
- poslat-pismo
- rsuley
- SA1D77
- second-constantineITcompressor
- Smalldog47
- thinfoilhat
- Tinkerbells
- tkersey@thisisartium
- Unzerror