
Code for Gen Genological

Primary LanguageProcessing

Gen Geological

This repository contains a Processing sketch that generates a series of images with layered color effects, simulating geological strata with a two-tone filter effect. The sketch uses Perlin noise to create a natural-looking base line and overlays the generated artwork with a textured frosted glass effect.


Before running this sketch, you need to have Processing 3 or later installed on your computer. Processing is an open-source graphical library and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the electronic arts, new media art, and visual design communities.

You can download Processing from the official website:

Running the Sketch

To run the sketch, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Processing IDE on your computer.
  2. Create a new sketch by clicking File > New in the IDE.
  3. Copy the entire code from the provided .pde files into the new sketch window in the Processing IDE.
  4. Save the sketch by clicking File > Save or pressing Ctrl+S (or Cmd+S on macOS).
  5. Run the sketch by clicking the Run button (the triangular button at the top-left corner of the IDE), or by pressing Ctrl+R (or Cmd+R on macOS).
  6. The program will generate and save a series of images to the output directory within your sketch folder.


The sketch will produce a set of images defined by the numImages variable. These images will be saved in the output directory with sequentially numbered filenames like image-0001.png, image-0002.png, etc.


You can modify the following parameters in the sketch to change the output:

  • numLayers: Number of color layers to generate.
  • numImages: Number of images you want to generate.
  • Randomness parameters (random1, random2, etc.): Adjust these to change the randomness of the noise and color distribution.

Please ensure that the output directory exists within your sketch folder before running the sketch.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.