
Simple xamarin button, based on TemplatedView, created to emulate a FAB.
No CustomRender used. To display it in top of content (including expanding) you have to put them on top of your content.


Not available yet.
For a manual pack : Clone the repo, open the ExpandableButtons.sln, and Pack the ExpandableButtons project.

Getting started

There is two controls in this package, a ButtonItem that you can use to replace a simple Button. And a PopupButton allowing you to display a collection of ButtonItem (like an expander).
All the content and visual can be personnalized by define your own ControlTemplate basing (or not) of the buid-in style.


  1. Reference the NuGet in your shared project.
  2. If you work with theme dictionnary, add the Generic theme in your merge dictionnaries.
  3. Or you can call ExpandableButtonsManager.Init() to add the dictionnary automaticaly.

Using a simple Button


Using an Expandable Button


Extend/Modify default style


Try it

This repo contain a testable Android/iOS sample, you can launch it from the ExpandableButtons.sln solution.