[AAAI 2024] VLCounter: Text-aware Visual Representation for Zero-Shot Object Counting
- 2minkyulee
- 999rainnie
- abcilike
- clouddesert
- dohyun10150
- dongheeyooon
- e-tuanzi
- eternaldolphin
- Euiyeon-KimSKKU Visual computing laboratory
- hancheolchoUpstage
- ImSupporterSKKU College of Computing
- kimmstop
- LimSeokHyun1
- mast1renTianjin University
- miniposiSKKU, College of Computing
- Minsky520
- Open2012
- openkmj
- ralph44Germay
- RoadonePSungkyunkwan University
- Seunggu0305Sungkyunkwan Univ.
- SeunghyeunBaek
- sunwoo76Korea University CVLAB
- suyeon11
- tamnguyenvanFull-time Freelancer
- Tracyummy
- Verg-AvestaShanghai Jiao Tong University
- wjun0830VCLAB, Sungkyunkwan University
- YJH950224