
Stop Charging Issue with SEVENSTAX V2G EV Simulator V2G EV V01.01.04 for DC EV Charger

Anita-mahale opened this issue · 1 comments

I am working on the DC EV Charger Development Project. I am using a DC car simulator from Codico (Electro Vehicle (EV) Simulator 1.1) to develop the same.
The details of the DC EV Simulator are as follows:
Platform: SEVENSTAX V2G EV Simulator
Firmware Version: i.e. V2G EV V01.01.04
Host Controller Interface: Ethernet / SPI

Right now, I am testing our DC EV charger for the charging cycle on Electro Vehicle (EV) Simulator 1.1 with OCPP 1.6, and I am facing an error.

The OCPP charging cycle started without any issues, but when I stopped the charging cycle through OCPP, I got the following error on the EV charger side.
2024-04-26 16:25:41.508270 [ERRO] iso15118_charge void dlog_func(dloglevel_t, const char, int, const char, const char*,...) shutdown() failed: The transport endpoint is not connected.**

But when we repeated the same on the real car, the charging cycle stopped without error. So this error is observed only on the EV simulator.

For detailed information please refer to the following log for communication between our DC EV charger and CODICO EV simulator

2024-04-26 17:06:25.906666 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO V2G CurrentDemandRes
2024-04-26 17:06:26.014669 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: CAR ISO V2G CurrentDemandReq
2024-04-26 17:06:26.140613 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO V2G CurrentDemandRes
2024-04-26 17:06:26.141921 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE IEC Transaction Finished: Remote (0.23372917175292968 kWh)
2024-04-26 17:06:26.143662 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE IEC Charger state: Charging->StoppingCharging
2024-04-26 17:06:26.145412 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE IEC DC power supply OFF
2024-04-26 17:06:26.241823 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: CAR ISO V2G CurrentDemandReq
2024-04-26 17:06:26.294334 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO V2G CurrentDemandRes
2024-04-26 17:06:26.340688 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE IEC Isolation measurement R_F 900000.
2024-04-26 17:06:26.445656 [INFO] imd:IMDSimulato :: Stopped simulated isolation monitoring
2024-04-26 17:06:26.565811 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: CAR ISO V2G PowerDeliveryReq
2024-04-26 17:06:26.567618 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO V2G PowerDeliveryRes
2024-04-26 17:06:26.586744 [INFO] iso15118_charge :: Welding-phase started
2024-04-26 17:06:26.609196 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: CAR ISO V2G WeldingDetectionReq
2024-04-26 17:06:26.672077 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: CAR IEC Event CarRequestedStopPower
2024-04-26 17:06:26.673133 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE IEC Event PowerOff
2024-04-26 17:06:26.738663 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO V2G WeldingDetectionRes
2024-04-26 17:06:26.831656 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: CAR ISO V2G WeldingDetectionReq
2024-04-26 17:06:26.934144 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO V2G WeldingDetectionRes
2024-04-26 17:06:27.025939 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: CAR ISO V2G SessionStopReq
2024-04-26 17:06:27.094877 [INFO] iso15118_charge :: Closing TCP connection
2024-04-26 17:06:27.118638 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO V2G SessionStopRes
2024-04-26 17:06:28.689973 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE IEC Event PowerOff
2024-04-26 17:06:29.095384 [ERRO] iso15118_charge void dlog_func(dloglevel_t, const char, int, const char, const char*, ...) :: shutdown() failed: Transport endpoint is not connected**
2024-04-26 17:06:32.095930 [INFO] iso15118_charge :: TCP connection closed gracefully
2024-04-26 17:06:32.130700 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO D-LINK_TERMINATE.req
2024-04-26 17:06:32.132513 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE IEC Set PWM Off
2024-04-26 17:06:32.348403 [INFO] EvseSlac0:EvseS :: D-LINK_TERMINATE.request received, leaving network.
2024-04-26 17:06:32.349283 [INFO] EvseSlac0:EvseS :: EvseSlac: Entered Reset state
2024-04-26 17:06:32.349836 [INFO] EvseSlac0:EvseS :: EvseSlac: New NMK key: 4D:43:59:53:44:53:52:33:5A:50:4B:4B:54:4E:44:35
2024-04-26 17:06:32.350729 [INFO] EvseSlac0:EvseS :: EvseSlac: Received CM_SET_KEY_CNF
2024-04-26 17:06:32.351496 [INFO] EvseSlac0:EvseS :: EvseSlac: Entered Idle state
2024-04-26 17:06:32.412112 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO D-LINK_READY (false)
2024-04-26 17:06:32.518751 [INFO] evse_manager:Ev :: EVSE ISO SLAC UNMATCHED

If you need any other information, please let me know. 
Please kindly suggest.
Also, we are not sure how to upgrade the firmware of the Electro Vehicle (EV) Simulator 1.1.

Hey @Anita-mahale,

this issue tracker is used for issues related to the Whitebeet product range only. Please send an e-Mail to your sevenstax or CODICO represantive if you have issues with the V2G simulator.

Best regards,