
⚜ ️My Arch Linux/Manjaro config with i3 + Neovim + Zsh + Rofi + Neofetch ⚜️

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

⚜️ ️My Arch Linux/Manjaro config dotfiles with i3 + Neovim + Zsh + Rofi + Neofetch ⚜️


Welcome to my dotfiles, Sir.

For the Shell:

Package Description
Arch Linux The best distro ever!
Manjaro My second love!
Zsh The most powerful shell out there!
Powerlevel10k The most awesome Powerline theme for ZSH around!
Colorls Use this to set the colorls command configured in zsh alias
neofetch A fast, highly customizable system ifo script
Fira code Fonts patched with lots of amazing icons (I use Fira Code usually)

For the window manager:

Package Description
i3-gaps i3wm with more features
i3blocks A replacement for the default i3status with more features
Nerd Fonts Fonts patched with lots of amazing icons (I use Source Code Pro)
Rofi A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
Playerctl To display current song on i3blocks
brightnessctl To modify the bright in the i3 bar
kitty New terminal better than alacritty
Bumblebee The bar status of i3
Feh Image viewer, useful to set a wallpaper
xfce4-power-manager Simple way to monitor battery status
xfce4-notifyd Helpful to get GTK notifications like current song or battery status
pacman-contrib Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems
