
CLN plugin to control who can establish a channel to your node and what parameters they use.

Current path finding algorithms have limitations. If you want to be a performant routing node you should vet the nodes that open channels to you.

Install & Usage

git clone
cd cln-channel-acceptor
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd ~/.lightning/plugins        # Create the plugin folder if it doesn't exist yet.
ln -s %PathToClonedGit%/ 

Restart your lightning node to start the plugin or reload the settings.


The acceptor can be configured with a configuration file .lightning/channel_acceptor.yaml. A sample configuration is given here:

  min_channel_size_sat: 100000       # Every channel opened needs to be at least 100,000sat

  allow_tor_only_nodes: false        # Do not allow tor-only nodes to open public channels.
  min_channel_size_sat: 5000000      # Every public channel needs to be at least 5M sat.

  allow_tor_only_nodes: true         # Allow private channels from tor-only nodes.


  • general Applies to private and public channels.
  • public_channels Applies to public channels only. Overrides the general settings.
  • private_channels Applies to private channels only. Overrides the general settings.


  • min_channel_size_sat Default: -1. Minimal channel size in satoshi. -1 means the setting is not applied.
  • allow_tor_only_nodes Default: true. A tor-only node only has Tor addresses and no IP addresses announced. If false prevents tor-only nodes to establish a channel.
  • strict_tor_only_node_check Default: false. The acceptor looks up the node address in the graph. If the node can't be found and therefore the addresses can't be determined, it rejects the node.
  • dev_mode Default: false. In general section only. Rejects all incoming channels. Logs the result of the acceptor in to logs.


Change the parameters of the following command to mount the Lighting RPC file from a server to your local machine via ssh.

rm -rf $HOME/.lightning/lightning-rpc && ssh -nNT -L $HOME/.lightning/lightning-rpc:/home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc