
The tic tac toe game wrote with the power of javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tic Tac Toe game

Play the classic game of tic tac toe.

Board screenshot

This project was made to practice DOM manipulation on pair programming.


Live Demo

You can access a deployed version of this app:


  • Store data from form to an array
  • Display the books
  • Button to 'New Book'
  • Button to 'Remove Book'
  • Button to change status of 'Read'

Built With

  • Javascript ES6
  • ESlint and Stylint (Linters)
  • GitHub Actions (CI Tool)
  • Git, Github and VScode

Getting Start

To use this program, you will need only a web browser like google crome.

Get a local copy

Now you need a copy of this application, if you are using Git:

git clone https://github.com/AlfredoElizarraras/Tic-Tac-Toe-js.git

Otherwise just hit (Download Zip) on green button (Clone or Download) at top of this page.

Run it live

You can just drag and drop index.html to your browser.


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

You can do it on issues page.


A special thanks for the code reviewers.


👤 Thiago Miranda

👤 Oscar Elizarrarás


Creative Commons • July 2020