
A Social media app.

Primary LanguageRuby

Stay in touch

A social media app where you can have friends, make posts, comment and drop likes.


The main point on this project is to practice industry standards to implement new features on existing applications.

Online Version

Live Demo Link



    As a guest your can:

  • Create account and make login
  • Display properly content

    As a logged-in user:

  • See other people profiles with they posts
  • Send friendship invitations
  • See pending friendships and accept/reject
  • Create posts and leave comments
  • leave like/dislike once at any post
  • Have a timeline with all friends posts

Built With

  • Ruby 2.7
  • Ruby on Rails 5.2
  • Postgres and Devise gem (AOT)
  • Rubocop (Linter) with Stickler (CI Tool)
  • Git, Github and VScode

Database Diagram


Getting Start


To use this program, you will need install:

Get a local copy

Now you need a copy of this application, if you are using Git:

git clone git@github.com:SevlaMare/ror-social-scaffold.git

Otherwise just hit (Download Zip) on green button (Clone or Download) at top of this page.


Instal all dependencies with:

bundle install

Setup database with:

rake db:schema:load

Run App

To run, from the application folder, just type on terminal:

rails server

Now you can go to your favorite web browser like Google Crome and access the url

Test (Remove before merge!)

On terminal type:

rake db:test:load

It will create database for testing, to run the tests:



Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

You can do it on issues page.


A special thanks for the code reviewers.


👤 Rafael Nazario

👤 Thiago Miranda


Creative Commons • June 2020