
T4 Text Template Processor for Unity3D

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


This Unity editor extension provides T4 text templates processor. T4 template is a mixture of text blocks and control logic that can generate a text file. The control logic is written as fragments of program code in C#. The generated file can be text of any kind, such as resource file, source code or web page.

T4 template example:

 The date and time now is: <#= DateTime.Now #>

Use cases

How to use

Create or copy file with .tt extension. Select this file in Project window (Window -> Project), then in Inspector window (Window -> Inspector) setup T4 template's parameters. Click "Generate" button. Inspector window for T4 template contains following parameters:

  • Output Type - type of generated file
    • Content - normal template's output. It corresponds to "Design-time T4 text templates" in Microsoft's terminology.
    • Generator - generator-class which can generate content when TransformText() is called. It corresponds to "Run time T4 text templates" in Microsoft's terminology.
  • Output Path - path to generated file. If not specified, generated file will have file name of template and file extension from output directive.
  • Auto-Gen Triggers - list of events which trigger auto-generation.
    • Code Compilation - after each code compilation
    • Asset Changes - after watched assets are changed, look for Assets to Watch
  • Auto-Gen Delay (Ms) - delay before triggered auto-generation starts
  • Assets to Watch - list of assets and folders which trigger auto-generation


T4 template can use hostspecific=true property to access Host.ResolvePath method, which maps path relatively to template's location.

By default UnityEngine.dll and UnityEditor.dll assemblies are referenced in all templates. You can reference project's assemblies Assembly-CSharp and Assembly-CSharp-firstpass by adding assembly directive:

<#@ assembly name="Assembly-CSharp" #>
<#@ assembly name="Assembly-CSharp-firstpass" #>

MSBuild Macros are not available.

You can run template generation from your code with UnityTemplateGenerator.RunForTemplate(templatePath) call.

Version 1.0.7

fixed missing 's' in project name 'TextTran_S_form', files, namespaces, folders has been renamed. executable name of tools has been changed to 'GameDevWare.TextTransform.exe' new NuGet package will be published


Please send any questions at support@gamedevware.com


If you embed this package, you MUST provide a link and warning about embedded package in the description of your package.

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