Test assignment

Preveiw One Preveiw Two


Fullstack JS assignment for Kiwi Account tribe

Implement a number to word list converter consisting of a Node backend and React frontend. The backend should provide an endpoint that converts a given numeric string into a list of corresponding words in the style of T9 or Phonewords. For example, given the input “23” the output should be: ad, ae, af, bd, be, bf, cd, ce, cf.

The frontend should allow the user to enter a number, query the backend for the corresponding expansions, and display them.

The solution should include:

  • Git repository with real history.
  • Unit and/or integration tests.
  • Working Frontend.
  • Working Backend.
  • README clearly explaining the steps to run the app.
  • Typed JS code.
  • Transpilation of ES6.
  • React.js

Great to haves:

  • Phone keyboard-like UI.
  • Real-world deployment of the full-stack app or alternatively a docker/docker-compose setup to run it all.
  • Use of NextJS or similar frameworks.
  • Use of our Orbit design system (or any other UI lib).


Application are running on port 3000

Run manually:

  • install packages with yarn
  • run application with yarn run

Run with docker:

  • docker build -t kiwi-test .
  • docker run -p 3000:3000 kiwi-test