Legate Quickstart provides two ways to simplify the use of Legate: Scripts for building Docker images containing all Legate libraries, and a collection of scripts for building Legate libraries from source and running Legate programs with appropriate defaults for a number of supported clusters.
The make_image.sh
script can be used to build Docker images containing all
Legate libraries.
Certain build options, such as the target CUDA architecture, must be specified
appropriately at docker build time, to match the environment where the image
will be used. These options are specified for each supported target PLATFORM
in common.sh
. The default PLATFORM
is a generic non-networked machine
containing Volta GPUs. You can add custom configurations as new PLATFORM
s in
After building the image, you can use it to start a container :
docker run -it --rm --gpus all <image> /bin/bash
Inside the container you can try running some examples:
# CuNumeric 2d stencil example
/opt/legate/quickstart/run.sh 1 /opt/legate/cunumeric/examples/stencil.py -n 1000 -t -b 10
The run.sh
script will automatically detect the resources available in the
container. If you wish to control that further, you can use the legate
script directly:
# CuNumeric 2d stencil example
legate --gpus 1 --fbmem 15000 /opt/legate/cunumeric/examples/stencil.py -n 1000 -t -b 10
Invoke any script with -h
to see more available options.
Note the following general requirements for using Nvidia hardware within containers: To use Nvidia GPUs from inside a container the host needs to provide a CUDA installation at least as recent as the version used in the image, and a GPU-aware container execution engine like nvidia-docker. To use Nvidia networking hardware from inside a container the host and the image must use the same version of MOFED.
The scripts in this repository will detect if you are running on a supported cluster, and automatically use the appropriate flags to build and run Legate. The scripts will also automatically invoke the appropriate job scheduler commands, so you don't need to create jobscripts yourself. Please find your cluster below and follow the instructions to set up Legate.
You can use the same scripts on your local machine (see next section), in which case the build/run flags will be set according to the detected hardware resources.
: This script will create a new conda environment suitable for using all Legate libraries on GPUs. You can skip the script entirely if you prefer to install the required packages manually; see theconda/???.yml
files on the individual Legate libraries.~/.bashrc
: The commands we add to this file activate the environment we set up for Legate runs, and must be executed on every node in a multi-node run before invoking the Legate executable. Note that the order of commands matters; we want the paths set byconda
to supersede those set bymodule
.- Invoke any script with
to see more available options.
- On container-based clusters typically each user prepares an image
ahead of time and provides it at job submission time, to be instantiated on
each allocated node. The
script can handle such worflows when run directly on the login node, but will need to be specialized for each particular cluster. - Even though you are meant to invoke the
script from the login node, any paths on the command line will refer to files within the image, not the filesystem on the host cluster. If you wish to use files from a directory on the host filesystem you need to explicitly mount that directory inside the container (see theMOUNTS
argument ofrun.sh
). - See the general advice above on using the Legate Docker images.
Add to ~/.bashrc
source "<conda-install-dir>/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate legate
Run basic setup:
CONDA_ROOT=<conda-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/setup_conda.sh
source "<conda-install-dir>/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate legate
Build Legate libraries:
cd /path/to/legate.core
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
cd /path/to/cunumeric
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
Run Legate programs:
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/run.sh <num-nodes> <py-program>
Add to ~/.bashrc
module load cuda/11.0.3 gcc/9.3.0 openblas/0.3.9-omp
module load ums
module load ums-gen119
module load nvidia-rapids/21.08
Build Legate libraries:
cd /path/to/legate.core
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
cd /path/to/cunumeric
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
Run Legate programs:
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/run.sh <num-nodes> <py-program>
Add to ~/.bashrc
# Cori runs even sub-shells in login mode, so guard these from running more than once
if [[ -z $CONDA_PREFIX ]]; then
module purge
module load cgpu esslurm cudatoolkit/10.2.89_3.28- gcc/8.3.0 python/3.8-anaconda-2020.11 openmpi/4.0.2
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate legate
Log out and back in, then run:
conda activate legate
Build Legate libraries:
cd /path/to/legate.core
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
cd /path/to/cunumeric
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
Run Legate programs:
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/run.sh <num-nodes> <py-program>
Add to ~/.bashrc
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu/6.0.9
module load daint-gpu
module load cudatoolkit/11.2.0_3.39-2.1__gf93aa1c
source "<conda-install-dir>/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate legate
Log out and back in, then run:
CONDA_ROOT=<conda-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/setup_conda.sh
source "<conda-install-dir>/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate legate
Build Legate libraries:
cd /path/to/legate.core
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
cd /path/to/cunumeric
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
Run Legate programs:
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/run.sh <num-nodes> <py-program>
Add to ~/.bashrc
module load slurm/20.11.4
source "<conda-install-dir>/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate legate
Log out and back in, then run:
USE_CUDA=1 CUDA_VER=11.1 CONDA_ROOT=<conda-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/setup_conda.sh
source "<conda-install-dir>/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate legate
Build Legate libraries:
cd /path/to/legate.core
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
cd /path/to/cunumeric
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
Run Legate programs:
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/run.sh <num-nodes> <py-program>
Add to ~/.bashrc
module load gcc/8.3.1 cuda/11.1.0
source "<conda-install-dir>/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate legate
Log out and back in, then run:
CONDA_ROOT=<conda-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/setup_conda.sh
source "<conda-install-dir>/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate legate
Build Legate libraries:
cd /path/to/legate.core
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
cd /path/to/cunumeric
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/build.sh
Run Legate programs:
LEGATE_DIR=<legate-install-dir> <quickstart-dir>/run.sh <num-nodes> <py-program>
If you have questions, please contact us at legate(at)nvidia.com.