
Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Ornaments is a lightweight modification of kallisto that facilitates variant-aware pseudoalignment of RNA-seq reads to obtain expected allele-specific read counts at heterozygous variant loci in addition to transcriptome quantification. The Ornaments method is described in detail in

Abhinav Adduri and Seyoung Kim. Ornaments for efficient allele-specific expression estimation with bias correction. The American Journal of Humans Genetics, 2024.

Ornaments takes as input an ornament personalized transcriptome and reads. Ornaments requires that the variants are listed in transcriptomic coordinates. We provide helper scripts to transform the variant coordinates from genomic to transcriptomic coordinates and to generate an ornament personalized transcriptome from a list of variants (both SNPs and indels are supported) and a reference transcriptome.


To compile ornaments, cmake is required. First, clone the repository and go into the ornaments folder.

git clone https://github.com/SeyoungKimLab/Ornaments.git
cd Ornaments

Next, we need to create a build folder. This folder will contain the ornaments executable.

mkdir build
cd build

Finally, we will build the executable using cmake. You will also need autoconf and HDF5 C library installed. If you do not have them installed, you can get them on Mac by using Homebrew and running

brew install cmake
brew install hdf5

On a Linux machine, you can install them using

sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev

Lastly, we need to install a specific version of autoconf:

curl -O http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.69.tar.gz
tar zxvf autoconf-2.69.tar.gz
cd autoconf-2.69
./configure && make && sudo make install
cd ..

Then, run

cmake ..

An executable will be built with the path/name Ornaments/build/src/ornaments. If you would rather install the software in your home directory, rather than the above, you should run

make install

This will build an executable at $HOME/bin/ornaments. If you are facing issues with build dependencies, please cross-reference with the kallisto installation guide.


Example reference transcriptome and transcript annotation files necessary for the helper scripts can be found here.

You can download variant files here. The files of interest are the .vcf.gz files that contain a list of all the phased variants, separated by chromosome.

For convenience, we have included a set of example files in the examples folder, which we will use in the workflow examples below.

Setting up the dependencies

In order to run Ornaments, you need to have conda installed. Once you have installed conda, install the biopython and gtfparse packages:

conda create --name ornaments python=3.6.10
conda activate ornaments
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install -c bioconda gtfparse=1.2.1
conda install -c conda-forge biopython=1.78

These packages are not needed to run Ornaments itself, but are needed for the helper scripts described below to prepare the inputs to Ornaments.

If you have an M-chip Macbook, you should instead run:

arch -x86_64 zsh
CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create -n ornament python=3.6.10
conda activate ornament

and the remaining steps stay the same.

Conda Installation

Ornaments is also available via conda installation. After creating the ornaments conda environment and activating it, you can run:

conda install abhinadduri::ornaments

This will make the ornaments binary, as well as the convert_genomic_vcf_to_transcriptomic_vcf, merge_transcriptome_vcfs, and create_personalized_transcriptome binaries, globally available on your system. These binaries are described in more detail below.

Preparation of variants

Here are helper scripts to transform the variant coordinates from genomic to transcriptomic coordinates, to sort the variants, and to merge the variant files. The output variant file from these scripts will be used as input to construct an ornament personalized transcriptome.

Extracting transcriptome variants and converting coordinates

The script convert_genomic_vcf_to_transcriptomic_vcf.py extracts transcriptome variants located in exonic regions and transforms the genomic coordinates of variants to transcriptomic coordinates.

Usage: python3 convert_genomic_vcf_to_transcriptomic_vcf.py -v <file_vcf> -g <file_annot> -t <file_tr> -o <file_tr_vcf> -c <file_conv>

-v <file_vcf>:		input gzipped VCF file for variants in genomic coordinates
-g <file_annot>: 	input transcript annotation file
-t <file_tr>: 		input reference transcriptome file
-o <file_tr_vcf>: 	output VCF file for transcriptome variants in transcriptomic coordinates 
-c <file_conv>: 	output file with information on coordinate conversions

Example usage:

python3 convert_genomic_vcf_to_transcriptomic_vcf.py \
-v examples/truncated_chr1.vcf.gz \
-g examples/truncated_v36.annotation.gtf \
-t examples/truncated_transcriptome.fasta \
-o examples/truncated_chr1.transcriptome.vcf \
-c examples/truncated_chr1.transcriptome.coords

A compatible reference transcriptome and transcript annotation file should be used. If you are getting both files from the same source, make sure that the version is the same. If the versions are the same, then you should see the following output from the script:

Number of SNPs inconsistent with conversion:  0

Merging files (if there are multiple transcriptome variant files)

If your variants are stored in multiple files (e.g., your variants span more than one chromosome and each file stores one chromosome at a time), these files should be merged into a single file. The script merge_transcriptome_vcfs.py merges the transcriptome variant files from the previous step, retaining only variants that are heterozygous in at least one of the samples.

Usage: python3 merge_transcriptome_vcfs.py -i <file_list> -o <file_vcf> -s <samples>

-i <file_list>: 	input file listing the VCF files to be merged, with one file name in each line
-o <file_vcf>: 		output merged VCF file for variants in transcriptomic coordinates
-s <samples>: 		input file with a list of sample names, one sample name in each line, if processing multiple samples,
                        or a single sample name, if processing a single sample
			(Variant data for all samples in <samples>  should be provided in each VCF file listed in <file_list>)

Example usage:

echo "examples/truncated_chr1.transcriptome.vcf" > file_list.txt
python merge_transcriptome_vcfs.py -i file_list.txt -o examples/transcriptome.vcf -s HG00405

In the examples folder, we consider a single VCF file for one chromosome. Running this script will retain only the variants that are heterozygous in at least one sample. However, in general, if you have a single variant file, you can skip this step.

Sorting (if variants are not sorted in transcriptome variant files)

If variants in the VCF file you started with are already sorted, you can skip this part. Otherwise, you can use this command to sort the variants for each transcript in the transcriptome variant file, to sort the transcriptome VCF, taken from here.

cat examples/transcriptome.vcf | awk '$1 ~ /^#/ {print $0;next} {print $0 | "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n"}' > examples/sorted.transcriptome.vcf

You should replace transcriptome.vcf with your file name.

Ornament personalized transcriptome

The script create_personalized_transcriptome.py modifies the reference transcriptome with the variant information that was prepared above, and produces an ornament personalized transcriptome. This script can also be used to generate a diploid personalized transcriptome.

Usage: python3 create_personalized_transcriptome.py -f <file_tr> -v <file_vcf> -t <opt> -o <file_ptr> -s <SAMPLE>

-f <file_tr>: 		input reference transcriptome file
-v <file_vcf>:		input VCF file for variants in transcriptome coordinates
-t <opt>: 		set <opt> to ornament for ornament personalized transcriptome or 
                            to diploid for diploid personalized transcriptome
-o <file_ptr>:		output file containing ornament or diploid personalized transcriptome
-s <SAMPLE>: 		one desired sample from the VCF file, i.e. "HG00405" which should be contained in <file_vcf>
-k <kmer_len>: 		the length of kmer to use for ornament transcriptome construction, default = 31

When argument -t ornament is used, the output file <file_ptr> contains the ornament personalized transcriptome to be used as an input file to Ornaments.

Diploid personalized transcriptome contains left (suffixed by _L) and right (suffixed by _R) alleles for each transcript, wherein the phased variants have been imputed into each transcript.

Example usage to create ornament personalized transcriptome:

python3 create_personalized_transcriptome.py \
-f examples/truncated_transcriptome.fasta \
-v examples/truncated_chr1.transcriptome.vcf \
-t ornament \
-o HG00405.ornament.fa \
-s HG00405

Example usage to create diploid personalized transcriptome:

python3 create_personalized_transcriptome.py \
-f examples/truncated_transcriptome.fasta \
-v examples/truncated_chr1.transcriptome.vcf \
-t diploid \
-o HG00405.diploid.fa \
-s HG00405


Given the ornaments personalized transcriptome above, Ornaments is run with two successive commands: ornaments index for generating an ornaments index and ornaments quant for quantification of transcriptome and allele-specific expression at heterozygous variant loci.


Usage: build/src/ornaments index -i <file_index> -k <k> <file_fasta>

-i <file_index>:	output file that contains an ornament index 
<file_fasta>:		input file for ornament personalized transcriptome to run ornaments or for reference transcriptome to run kallisto
-k <k>:			k-mer length to be used for index construction, default = 31

Ornaments expands the functionality of kallisto, meaning it functions differently only if an ornament personalized transcript is provided for <file_fasta> as input. Otherwise, with a reference transcriptome, it behaves the same as kallisto. ornaments index can automatically detect whether or not the input <file_fasta> is an ornament personalized transcriptome or a reference transcriptome.

Example usage to construct an ornament index:

build/src/ornaments index -i HG00405.ornament.index HG00405.ornament.fa


build/src/ornaments quant -i <file_index> -o <dir_out> --vcf <file_vcf> --sample <SAMPLE> <file_fastq1> <file_fastq2> 
build/src/ornaments quant -i <file_index> -o <dir_out> --vcf <file_vcf> --sample <SAMPLE> --single -l <d_l> -s <d_s> <file_fastq>

-i <file_index>:	input file for ornament index 
-o <dir_out>: 		two output files will be added to the <dir_out> folder 
                        `allele_counts.txt` for expected allele specific-read counts 
                        `tpms.txt` for TPM estimates for transcripts 
                        `thetas.txt` for probability estimates for transcripts (# num reads / # total reads)
--vcf <file_vcf>:	input VCF file for transcriptome variants in transcriptomic coordinates that are sorted in each transcript
--sample <SAMPLE>: 	a sample name from the VCF file <file_vcf>
<file_fastq1>:		FASTQ file 1 in paired-end reads 
<file_fastq2>: 		FASTQ file 2 in paired-end reads
--single:		flag for single-end reads 
-l <d_l>: 		fragment length mean for single-end reads
-s <d_s>: 		standard deviation for single-end reads
<file_fastq>:		FASTQ file for single-end reads

Example usage to quantify with paired-end reads for sample HG00405:

build/src/ornaments quant \
-i examples/HG00405.ornament.index \
-o output_dir \
--vcf examples/sorted.transcriptome.vcf \
--sample HG00405 \
examples/HG00405_1.fastq examples/HG00405_2.fastq

Example usage to quantify with single-end reads for sample HG00405:

build/src/ornaments quant \
-i examples/HG00405.ornament.index \
-o output_dir \
--vcf examples/sorted.transcriptome.vcf \
--sample HG00405 \
--single \
-l 150 \
-s 25 \

Ornaments is built as an addition to kallisto. All credit for the kallisto software is given to its original authors.