
General Information about Project

* MVVM design pattern
* CoreData Implementation
* Custom UICollectionView
* Custom UITableView


* The project was built using the MVVM code architecture.
* The data on the project's Home page was obtained from an API in Json format.
* The user can enter one of the countries on the Home page and see the details about the country.
* In addition, the user can save the desired country data from this detail page and then view it in the Saved page.
* Besides, the user can delete the data from here later if he/she wishes.
* One of the difficulties in the project was that the images in the given API were in "svg" format.
* This issue was also taken care of with the SVGKit library.
* On the other hand, since the image URL is in "http" format, adjustments were made to the info.plist.