Computational Practicum on differential equations

Author: Sergey Makarov



I used React javascript framework, plotly.js for plotting graphs, material-ui styles to make the web page better looking and Mathjax library to write formulas with tex. There is a list of all my dependencies:

import Exact from "./Exact";
import Plot from "react-plotly.js"
import React from 'react';
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField';
import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid'
import MathJax from 'react-mathjax2'
import Euler from "./Euler";
import ImprovedEuler from "./ImprovedEuler";
import './App.css'
import RungeKutta from "./RungeKutta";

In my solution there is an App.js file, which is responsible for the whole webpage. It consists of some plots from plotly.js:

           x: Euler.graphGlobal(values.left, values.right, values.x0, values.y0, values.X).x,
           y: Euler.graphGlobal(values.left, values.right, values.x0, values.y0, values.X).y,
           type: 'scatter',
           mode: 'lines',
           marker: { color: "Red" },
           line: { width: 2 },
           name: "Euler"
           x: ImprovedEuler.graphGlobal(values.left, values.right, values.x0, values.y0, values.X).x,
           y: ImprovedEuler.graphGlobal(values.left, values.right, values.x0, values.y0, values.X).y,
           type: 'scatter',
           mode: 'lines',
           marker: { color: "Green" },
           line: { width: 2 },
           name: "Improved Euler"
           x: RungeKutta.graphGlobal(values.left, values.right, values.x0, values.y0, values.X).x,
           y: RungeKutta.graphGlobal(values.left, values.right, values.x0, values.y0, values.X).y,
           type: 'scatter',
           mode: 'lines',
           marker: { color: "Blue" },
           line: { width: 2 },
           name: "Runge-Kutta"

       width: 650,
       height: 700,
       title: 'Global Errors',
       xaxis: { title: 'N' },
       yaxis: { title: 'error' }

You can see, that in plots I assign to fields x and y in Plot vectors, returned by approximation methods. To approximation methods as arguments I send values, defined by this code:

const [values, setValues] = React.useState({
        N: 15,
        x0: 0,
        y0: 0,
        X: 5,
        left: 15,
        right: 100

and updated by this code:

const handleChange = name => event => {
        if ( !== '')
            setValues({ ...values, [name]: parseFloat( });
        else setValues({ ...values, [name]: 0.0 });

This code checks whether the input is empty and in this case assigns zero, otherwise assigns what is stored in the There are also several textfields for input, which have approximately this structure:

        shrink: true,

Here, I define default value, label, and what to do when value is changed (call function handleChange, which you saw before).

To adjust layout I used <Grid\> from the material-ui


First of all, there is class Function, which contains our function, which is used in all approximation methods:

export default class Function {
    static function(x, y) {
        return Math.pow(Math.E, 2 * x) + Math.pow(Math.E, x) + y * y - 2 * y * Math.pow(Math.E, x);

Here, I have a class Exact:

export default class Exact {

    static c1(x0, y0) {
        return x0 - 1 / (-y0 + Math.pow(Math.E, x0));

    static solution(x0, y0, x) {
        return ((1 / (this.c1(x0, y0) - x)) + Math.pow(Math.E, x));

    static graphSolution(N, x0, y0, X) {
        let h = (X - x0) / N;

        if (h <= 0)
            return [[x0], [y0]];
        let x = [];
        let y = [];
        for (let i = x0; i <= X + 0.0000001; i += h) {
            y.push(this.solution(x0, y0, i));
        return {x: x, y: y};

Class Approximation method contains methods for plotting, but implementation of findNext function is up to his child classes. Classes Euler, ImprovedEuler and Runge-Kutta extends him, adding it's own implementation:


import Exact from "./Exact";
import Function from "./Function";

export default class ApproximationMethod {
    static graphSolution(N, x0, y0, X) {
        if (X <= x0) {
            return {x: [x0], y: [y0]};
        let h = (X - x0) / N;

        let x = [x0];
        let y = [y0];
        for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
            x.push(x[i - 1] + h);
            y.push(this.findNext(x[i - 1], y[i - 1], h));
        return {x: x, y: y};


    static findNext(x, y, x1) {

    static graphLocal(N, x0, y0, X) {
        if (X <= x0) {
            return {x: [0], y: [0]};
        let h = (X - x0) / N;
        let x = [x0];
        let y = [0];
        for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
            x.push(x[i - 1] + h);
            y.push(Math.abs(Exact.solution(x0, y0, x[i - 1] + h) - this.findNext(x[i - 1], Exact.solution(x0, y0, x[i - 1]), h)));
        return {x: x, y: y};

    static graphGlobal(N0, N1, x0, y0, X) {
        let x = [];
        let y = [];
        if (X <= x0) {
            return {x: [0], y: [0]};

        for (let i = N0; i <= N1; i++) {
            let x1 = x0;
            let h = (X - x0) / i;
            let max = 0.0;
            let graph = this.graphSolution(i, x0, y0, X);
            for (let j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
                max = Math.max(max,Math.abs(Exact.solution(x0, y0, x1 + h) - graph.y[j]));
                x1 += h;
        return {x: x, y: y};


Euler, ImprovedEuler and RungeKutta:

import ApproximationMethod from "./ApproximationMethod";

export default class Euler extends ApproximationMethod {
    static findNext(x, y, h) {
        return y + h * Function.function(x, y);
import ApproximationMethod from "./ApproximationMethod";

export default class ImprovedEuler extends ApproximationMethod {
    static findNext(x, y, h) {
        let k1 = Function.function(x, y);
        let k2 = Function.function(x + h, y + h * k1);
        return y + (h / 2) * (k1 + k2);
import ApproximationMethod from "./ApproximationMethod";

export default class RungeKutta extends ApproximationMethod {
    static findNext(x, y, h) {
        let k1 = Function.function(x, y);
        let k2 = Function.function(x + h / 2, y + (h / 2) * k1);
        let k3 = Function.function(x + h / 2, y + (h / 2) * k2);
        let k4 = Function.function(x + h, y + h * k3);
        return y + (h / 6) * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)


Class diagram: