
Create Active Worlds 4.2 cache files from a propdump

Primary LanguageRust


Create Active Worlds 4.2 cache files from a propdump


  1. Download and unzip from https://github.com/Sgeo/propdump2cell42/releases
  2. Ensure blank42.idx and blank42.dat are in your current directory.
  3. Pipe the propdump into the program, e.g. propdump2cell42 < propdump.txt or "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x mbsurvey.txt.gz -so | propdump2cell42
  4. You're done

Alphaworld notes

The Alphaworld propdump, available on https://archive.org/details/alphaworld_propdump_2017_10_11 , is roughly 20 GB uncompressed. A number of design decisions were taken to allow usage of this program without needing to store a 20 GB file on disk.

If you have 7-Zip installed, it can be used to decompress and stream the mbsurvey.txt.gz file, as shown: "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x mbsurvey.txt.gz -so | propdump2cell42

Due to the size of the propdump, only segments of Alphaworld can be viewed at one time. See below for how to view wanted areas


Active Worlds 4.2 can only process cache files that are 2 GB or less in size. This program allows options to select interesting areas:

  • -c or --citnum: A list of citnums. The resulting files will only have property by those citnums. E.g.: "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x mbsurvey.txt.gz -so | propdump2cell42 -c 1 99 will result in cache files that only contain property owned by citizens 1 and 99.
  • -t or --teleports and -r or --radius: If t/teleports is used, r/radius must also be used. These options allow selecting a list of locations and how much area around them to include.


teleport.txt contains the following:

AW 0N 0W
AW 2222S 2222E

The command "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x mbsurvey.txt.gz -so | propdump2cell42 -t teleport.txt -r 100 will result in cache files that contain 100S 100E thru 100N 100W and 2322S 2322E thru 2122S 2122E, assuming that all property contained fits within 2GB.

Build notes

This was build on the stable-i686-pc-windows-msvc toolchain due to DLL requirements.