python application test with github actions


this is devops practice library (using makefile, requirements.txt, source file, Dockerfile )


create virtual docerpractice

  1. creat virtual environment: 'python3 -m venv ~/.venv' or 'virtualvenv ~/.venv' and souce virtual environment 'source ~/.venv/bin/activate' in ~/.bashrc so whenever we open new terminal, it is processed to open virtual environment.
  2. create empty file requirements.txt Dockerfile Makefile and src folder and fill the Makefile with dummy fills(install, test, lint, format, deploy, all)
  3. fill the requirements file and add make install correctly
  4. pin the version number for installed package by 'pip freeze | less'
  5. create workflow,(helps in ci/cd) by use of github actions (.github/workflows/devops_python.yml) CI on push
  6. add format in the make file for src/ and
  7. add test in the make file for asses the ouptut by making
  8. add cli tool for project using and shebang it (./ --help)
  9. update src and
  10. add test code to automate by using test_logic and test_main file
  11. update containtering and deployment code in makefile