Railroader InterchangeUnchained Mod

Please Read this ENTIRE README before continuing.

This is a mod for Railroader which is available on Steam.

This mod requires Railloader by Zamu.


  1. Download and install Railloader by Zamu from here: https://railroader.stelltis.ch/
    • Verify you have a Mods folder in the root of your railroader directory. If You do NOT have a Mods folder, you didn't complete this step successfully.
  2. Download the MoveTheEquipment_v2.x.x.zip from the Releases Page of this repo.
  3. There are 2 ways to install this mod.
    1. Open the zip folder, select the entire contents of the folder and drag the contents to the ROOT Railroader directory.
      • this should put a InterchangeUnchained folder into the Mods folder created in step 1
    2. Drag the zip file onto Railloader.exe and have Railloader install the mod.
      • as with option 1, this will put a InterchangeUnchained folder into the Mods folder created in step 1
    • If you DO NOT have the InterchangeUnchained folder in the Mods folder after completing ONE of the above steps, you didn't complete the step successfully.
  4. Run the game and enjoy no longer having company cars interfere with interchange deliveries.


  1. This mod currently supports Railroader verison 2024.2.2. This mod may break in future updates. I will do my best to continue to update this mod.
  2. It is possible that the developers of Railroader will implement their own fix for this issue. At such time this mod will be deprecated and no longer maintained.
  3. As the saying goes, use mods at your own risk.

Known Issues

Steam Engines

This mod does not support moving steam engines in the fashion described below. No equipment will be moved on a track on which a steam engine resides. So If you have a steam engine on your interchange track, I advise you move it prior to the interchange being serviced. This shouldn't really ever be an issue, unless you buy a steam engine right before your interchange gets serviced, which seems like a low probability. I hope to support moving steam engines in the future, but I did not want to wait to get this mod out just because of this limitation.


What does this mod do?

Currently in the game, If you have company owned cars in the interchange, they can and often do prevent interchange cars from spawning on the track they are on. This can be annoying in later stages of the game when you have a lot of interchange cars and have to wait for multiple interchange services in order to have all of your cars for the day. This mod simply looks for any company owned cars and disiel locomotives on the track and moves them to one end, coupled together. This allows interchange cars to be able to spawn on the track in situations where they normally wouldn't be able to.

Does this work in Multiplayer?

Yes, only if the Host has the mod. Initial tests indicate that other players do not need the mod, even if they increment time to service the interchange. If the host does not have the mod, then it will not work.

What version of Railroader does this mod work with?
