
React front-end for a Solidity project on the Ethereum Blockchain

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a React based front-end for the following repo Bookchain Repository, if you would like more information about the functionality, then reference the repository previously linked.

Getting Started

  1. This repository is dependent upon the Bookchain Repository
  2. git clone or fork this repository $ git clone https://github.com/Sh1pley/bookchain-react.git
  3. $ npm install
  4. $ npm install ethereumjs-testrpc
  5. $ npm install truffle


  1. In a separate terminal session run $ testrpc
  2. In a separate terminal / and from Bookchain Repo Folder Run $ truffle migrate
  3. Copy and save the bookchain address from the output from truffle migrate
  4. Run $ npm start
  5. On home page on Localhost:3000 enter in the copied address from step 3 above

Running the command testrpc, runs the localhost blockchain on port 8545


  1. In a separate terminal session run $ testrpc
  2. Run $ npm test



  1. Fork the repository
  2. Find a problem
  3. Make a PR