
app demo using Clearbit API

Primary LanguageRuby

Demo App using Clearbit and Plaid

What works:

  • Ruby/Sinatra API with localhost:9292/api/test route to send test JSON transaction data
  • Front-end through rack-proxy
    • React base component from localhost:9292/
  • Webpack configuration
    • whole thing launched with: rackup (console)
      • must have weback-dev-server installed globally
  • Unit testing for the Ruby/Sinatra side done in Minitest
    • rake test (console) will run tests
  • Basic styling with raw CSS and HTML

To do:

  • More tests (Front-end especially I need to work more on optimizing webpack to work with React and Jest tests)
  • GET /api/test request is pretty slow, look into optimizing
  • Env variables used instead of Plaids Link API
    • could add user sign in
  • Could use Material UI or Bootstrap to pretty it up a bit

Set up needed:

 CLEARBIT_KEY: sk_726d69****21b64fb

PLAID_ACCESS_TOKEN is made through using Plaids Link service.

* for now this is done manually

All other access keys are assigned through API signups on Clearbit and Plaid websites.

These should be added to a .env file in the projects root directory

If needed, I can send you a copy of my .env file to test this out locally
You may email me directly at jesse.r.shipley@gmail.com for questions