Todo App built with functors. Inspired by @DrBoolean's todo app demo.
The app models Redux & React-Redux architecture without using either library.
// convert React class to a Function
const classToFn = C => (props) =>
<C {...props} />
// Component functor
export const Component = g => ({
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Component(x => g(f(x))),
concat: other =>
Component(x => <div>{g(x)} {other.fold(x)}</div>)
// Higher Order Componenet functor
// Acts like "react-redux" connect
export const Hoc = g => ({
fold: g,
concat: other =>
Hoc(x => g(other.fold(x)))
// Reducer functor models redux reducers
export const Reducer = g => ({
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Reducer((state, action) => g(state, f(action))),
map: f =>
Reducer((state, action) => f(g(state, action))),
concat: o =>
Reducer((state, action) => o.fold(g(state, action), action))