Hey :) Note* : Have completed the last 10% by creating and reading bitstream
To run main program: 1) Go into outer directory from terminal 2) Run "make" command in terminal to compile the program 3) run ./huffencode command from terminal 4) Program should create a new files -output file with the provided output filename -a bit packed file called "Bitstream" + output filename -a code table of the created huffman tree called output filename + "CodeTable.txt" 5) Run "make clean" to clear all .o files, .bin files, any CodeTable.txt files and the main program
eg: ./huffencode TestDoc2 outputFile
To run unit test program: 1) Go into test directory from terminal 2) Run "make" command in terminal to compile the program 3) run ./huffTest command from terminal 4) A large number of files should be produced as a result of running tests - info will be displayed from program on this 5) Run "make clean" to clear all created test files, .o files and the unit test program
eg: ./huffTest
HuffmanTree class: Main class holding the root node, code table and letter frequency Will take in a string and build the huffman tree around that
HuffmanUtils class: A utility class to provide functions for the HuffmanTree class
HuffmanNode class: A Node class to represent a node in the huffman tree Holds letter, frequency of letter and links to children nodes
HuffmanUnitTests: Class that house all the unit tests of the HuffmanTree class