

Problem statement

Life is  a journey with problems to solve and lessons to learn. The problems are endless, but intelligence lies in thinking of a way to conquer them so that we may not have to suffer much. The problems may be financial, social and health related. Some of them are unpredictable and that require instant actions. We want  to draw your attention towards the health complications that everyone goes through in this phase of life. It includes cuts, burns, bone and joint related injuries , infectious diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Cholera , fever etc. as well as some breathing problems like asthma etc. An instant solution such as First aid gives relief to minor or major illness, reducing the effect of it. First aid is the first and immediate assistance given to any person suffering from either a minor or serious illness.

But unfortunately, most  people are not aware of it. The death rate for the year 2022 was 7.38. The death rate increased if we compare it with 2021. One of the reasons for this increased death rate can be lack of first aid awareness among people.

Project Title and Solution

Smart First Aid

One step we as a team have taken to create awareness among the people about first aid solutions by creating a website SMART FIRST AID. This will actually act as a boon to the victim of a minor or serious illness if he or she has prior knowledge of first aid solutions which will be provided by Smart First Aid website in a simple and concise manner.

Our website aims to provide easy-to-understand first aid solutions for various health concerns, empowering individuals to take charge of their health and wellbeing. We understand that timely and effective first aid can make a significant difference in medical emergencies and can even save lives. Therefore, our goal is to create a platform that is informative, user-friendly, and accessible to everyone.

We have designed this website to provide:

  1. Effective information about First aid and First aid kit.
  2. Comprehensive information about first aid solutions for various diseases and medical conditions.
  3. Easy-to-follow step-by-step guides for performing basic first aid techniques.
  4. Useful tips and tricks to help prevent common injuries and accidents.
  5. Useful first aid techniques are necessary during natural disasters.
  6. Emergency contacts necessary for life threatening Situations.


  • Our website provide simple and easy to understand first aid solutions in concise manner.

  • Includes basics of first aid and first aid kits.

  • Includes 4 main catagories of diseases :

    1. Infectious diseases
    2. Breathing problems related diseases
    3. Bones and joints related injuries
    4. Common diseases like 
  • Includes other first aid techniques for :

    1. Cuts and Wounds
    2. Skin and Burns
    3. Bites and Stings
  • Includes DO's and Don't during natural calamities like earthquake, floods, cyclone, tsunami

  • Includes Emergency contacts necessary during accident.

  • Includes information about life saving skills.This skills are used to stabilize a person's condition until professional medical arrives.

  • Includes features of multi lingual providing best understanding to the user.

  • Includes the features which will read the content for you.

  • Includes chatbot for helping the user.

-Includes contact us page through user data will be stored in database through which we will connect the user to doctors.

Tech Stack

Today, front-end frameworks and libraries are becoming an essential part of the modern web development stack. We created our website in the "React framework" along with "HTML" , "CSS" and "JavaScript". React.js is a front-end library that has gradually become the go-to framework for modern web development within the JavaScript community.We have use MERN Stack for creating this website.


Suppose you want to search first aid solutions of Malaria.

Step 1:  Go to infectious diseases card 
Step 2: Select malaria and click on first aid solutions. 
Step 3: You will reach the page containing first aid      solutions. 

Alternative way :

Step 1: In navbar, click on Disease

Step 2 : Set the types of disease like infectious disease, breathing problems, cuts and wounds etc.

Step 3: You will reach the page containing first aid solutions.



If you have any feedback, please reach out to us by email