
Article on Switch component (Material Design) developed for OpenHarmony.

1. Introduction

A Switch is a component which provides only 2 options either enabled or disabled. This is best used in the scenario where users need to enable or disable any function. Users can enable and disable the switch by just clicking on it.

A Switch is like a circular space on a small line or inside a cylindrical container. Generally circular space at the right side means enabled and left side means disabled. While enabled it has some color and while disabled it is colorless.

Below is an example of a switch:

Developers can develop their custom switch containing text, icon, animation etc.

2. Benefits

  • Provides better user experience while dealing with independently controlled items.

3. Typical UseCases:

MaterialSwitches can be implemented in most of the commonly used applications where users need to either enable or disable any functionality. Below are some of the examples:


4. List of Features:

There are few features of Radio buttons listed below:

Features Description
On-State Can be enabled or disabled
Off-State/Enabled By default functionality is enabled and can't be changed
Off-State/Disabled By default functionality is disabled and can't be changed
Customized Can contain some icons or some texts as developers choice

Please refer below Image:

5. Usage Instructions:

1. Add dependencies:

Add following to the dependencies in package.json file in entry folder of your project:

    "dependencies": {
    "@ohos/material-switch": "file:../materialswitch"

2. Import files:

import { Switch, SwitchModel }  from "@ohos/material-switch"

3. Initialize switch model data

private model: SwitchModel.Model = new SwitchModel.Model();

4. Code for creating default switch


    model: this.model,
    onSelect: (id, isOn) => {
              message: id.toString()

5. Code for creating custom switch with icon


    model: this.model,
    onSelect: (id, isOn) => {
              message: id.toString()

6. Library Features:


Description: A default toggle switch is provided by the library.

Code Snippet:

updateModelForFirst() {

    model: this.switchModel1,
    onSelect: (id, isOn) => {
            message: id.toString()


In above code one switch was created whose all attributes values were resetted to default one and then switch id assigned with value 1. While clicking the button one toast will appear showing the id of the switch.

Below are list of properties available:

Properties Description
setSwitchId(number) Providing id to switches
reset() Will initialize the value of all attributes with default value



Description: User can create a customized toggle switch based on the parameters passed.

Code Snippet:

updateModelForFourth() {

    model: this.switchModel4,
    onSelect: (id, isOn) => {
            message: id.toString()


In above code one customized switch was created whose all attributes values were resetted to default one and then switch id assigned with value 4 and by default switch was made enabled and having tick icon in circular space.Tick icon is default icon getting selected while calling reset() function. Developers can use any other icons as well. While clicking button one toast will appear showing the id of the switch i.e. 4.

Below are list of properties available:

Properties Description
setSwitchId(number) Providing id to switches
reset() Will initialize the value of all attributes with default value
setIsOn(boolean) By default making switch enabled or disabled
setWithIcon(boolean) It will add or remove the icon added in Switch


7. Conclusion:

This library is for using toggle switches that can be customized based on colors, an icon passed by the user and also be set to disabled or On/Off state.

8. Code Contribution:

If you find any problems during usage, you can submit an Issue to us. Of course, we also welcome you to send us PR.