Data Structure Algorithms

The Fact is, there aren't just two sides to any issue, there's almost always a range of responses, and "it depends" is almost always the right answer in any big question. ~Linus Torvalds

  • Contiguous block in memory
    • Start address of array = 12, element size = 4 bytes (int) Address of array[0] = 12
      Address of array[0] = 12 + 1 * 4 = 16
      Address of array[0] = 12 + 2 * 4 = 20
      Address of array[0] = 12 + 3 * 4 = 24
  • Every element occupies same amount of space in memory
  • if knew index of an element, O(1) retrieve
Operation Time Complexity
Retrieve with Index O(1)
Retrieve withOUT Index O(n)
Add an element to full array O(n)
Add an element to the end O(1)
Insert or update at specific index O(1)
Delete by setting it to null O(1)
Delete by shifting elements O(n)


  • Stable:
  • Unstable:
  • In-place algorithm
  • O(n^2)
  • stable
[Selection Sort]
  • In-place
  • O(n^2)
  • stable
  • Doesn't require as much swapping as bubble sort
[Insertion Sort]
  • In-place
  • O(n^2)
  • stable
[Shell Sort]
  • starts out using a larger gap value
  • reduce the amount of shifting required
  • last gap value is always 1
  • In-place
  • Worst: O(n^2) but it can perform much better than that
  • Doesn't require as much shifting as insertion sort, so it usually performs better
  • Unstable
[Merge Sort]
  • Divide and conquer algorithm
  • Recursive algorithm
  • Splitting and Merging
  • O(n Logn)
  • Stable
[Quick Sort]
  • Pivot (first element)
  • in-place
  • right to left, looking for the first element < than pivot
  • right -> left, left -> right
[Counting Sort]
  • Assumptions about the data (discrete and within a specific range)
  • Doesn't use comparisons
  • Counts the # of occurrences of each value
  • Only works with Non-negative discrete values(NOT Floats, Strings)
  • NOT in-place
  • if we want stable, needs to do extra steps
[Stable Counting Sort]
Radix Sort
  • Data must have Same radix and width (integers or strings)
  • Radix --> number of unique digits or values
  • Width --> number of digits or letters (1234 4width, hello 5width)
  • Sort based on each individual digit or letter position
  • Start at the rightmost position
  • Must use stable sort algorithm at each stage
    4725 4586 1330 8792 1594 5729
    First: based on the 1's position from right
    1330 8792 1594 4725 4595 5729 Second: based on the 10's position - Must be a stable sort
    4725 5729 1330 4586 8792 1594 (4725 5729)
    Third: 100's position 1330 4586 1594 4725 5729 8792


ADT (more about behavior what operation you can do)
  • Doesn't dictate how the data is organized
  • Dictates the operations you can perform
  • Concrete data structure is usually a concrete class
  • Abstract data type is usually an interface
ArrayList (Backed by Array)
  • Resizable array impl of the List interface
  • Capacity and Size (don't pass a capacity init default is 10)
  • Inserting(Not end) Deletions removals access an item(no index) in the list Not so good
    .forEach() .get() .isEmpty() .set() .size() .add() .toArray() .contains() .indexOf() .remove()
  • Thread safe (synchronized) arrayList
Single Linked List
  • Node, Next
  • A singly linkedlist is best used when insert and remove items from the front
  • No need to resize
Doubly Linked list
  • Each field has two reference next and previous
  • head and tail
JDK Linked List
  • Doubly-linked list impl of the List and Deque interface
  • Not Synchronized


  • ADT
  • LIFO --> means no random access
  • push() pop() peek()
  • Ideal backing data structure: linked list


  • ADT
  • FIFO
  • add() remove() peek()
//length = 2 add() add() remove() add() --> no need to resize
public void add(Employee employee) {
        //resize or not
        if (queue.length == back) {  
  System.arraycopy(queue, front, newQueue, 0, queue.length - front);
  System.arraycopy(queue, 0, newQueue, queue.length - front, back);


  • ADT
  • Provide access to data using key
  • Consists of Key/Value pairs
  • Optimized for retrieval(knows key)
  • Associative array is one type of hash table #####Hasing
  • Maps keys of any data type to an integer
  • Hash function maps keys to int
  • In Java, hash function is Object.hashCode()
  • Collision occurs when > 1 value has the same hashed value
  • Handle Collision (Load Factor)
    • Open Addressing (another empty array)
    • Linear probing (hashed value + 1 and check the resulting index)
    • Chaining (store Linked list)
  • Remove() null problem
    • one a remove rehash all of the items that are already in the hash table
      • Performance Hit (have to iterate over all of the remaining elements and rehash them)
      • hit when remove()
    • add field to (Employee weather has been deleted or not)
      • Polluted hash table (a mix of live and deleted values)
      • Even though deleting items the load factor isn't going to change
      • hit when add()