The objective behind this repo is to leverage the statistical framework of R to design trading strategies, and further use these to trade the $200Billion of retail Forex volume through the Metatrader4 platform. The goal is to empower retail Forex traders having limited trading funds, with relevant open source solutions addressing the different processes required to the making of a trading strategy, but at a fragment of the cost associated to state-of-the-art trading platforms.
REFER TO Investment Disclaimer, Risks and Warnings FOR DETAILS.
ADAPTIVE PUBLIC LICENSE V1.0 as stated in LICENSE.txt with its supplement file SUPPFILE.txt.
Why APL V1.0? Beside the fact that the initial contributor may make personal choices affecting part of the license terms, section 3.6 grants independent modules with separate license agreements.
Optimistically speaking, this may provide an excellent dynamic for public/private contributions, providing that modularity has been accounted for appropriately (refer to section 1.7 of APL V1.0) during code design and development.
I will use primarily R for implementation as I believe this is a straight-forward yet extremely powerful framework in forms of scripting language for statistics. Along with the code, there should be different .Rproj files corresponding to project workspaces for the excellent R-Studio IDE. Codes and Scripts validation and Verification was carried on under R-version:3.0.0 (2013.04.03) and RStudio-version:0.97.551.