
This is a terminal based todo app, which lets you to create , delete , list your tasks

Primary LanguageC++


The project aims to provide a simple task management system implemented in C++. Users can add tasks, view existing tasks, and delete tasks from a list using command-line inputs. The program utilizes file I/O to store task information persistently. It's a lightweight and easy-to-use tool for managing personal or small-scale project tasks efficiently.


App Screenshot


  • CLI Based
  • Add Tasks
  • Delete Tasks
  • List Tasks
  • Cross Platform


1 . Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/ShadmanAhm3d/TodoerC-.git

2 . Navigate to the project directory:

 cd your-repository

3 . Compile the program and make the binary execuatable and move the binary to your /bin folder

g++ -o output_file source_file.cpp


todoer showtasks
todoer add "sometask"
 todoer del