A Minecraft mod intended to add more Dwarf Fortress-style 'fun' to the tech mod experience.
Behold, a blatant copy&paste of my jumbled notes on the subject:
All those delicious delicious SA forums reactors.
Redstone Flux compatible version of a Quarry
- Scratch the whole Quarry thing - a multiblock frame for a redstone-controlled rail crane (term?)
- Is also an autobuilding system, since you can set the crane to place or break blocks. Basically an autonomous activator on a rail.
- Scratch the whole Quarry thing - a multiblock frame for a redstone-controlled rail crane (term?)
Blood-powered reactor
- Some better way to get blood?
AE-compatible multiblock tanks - with some kind of twist? Maybe blocks for using actual space as a reservoir?
Breedable hamsters for Rodentine Dynamos. If not fed and watered, escape to kill you.
- Putting hamsters in Acidic Experience creates undead hamsters; which do not require water or food but will randomly escape and poison you on attack.
A generator that creates power by equalizing taint between biomes (read: by spreading taint)
- Combine this in the same tech tree with a generator that creates fuckloads of power when fed taint essentia, and some way to harvest the creep.
Dirt generator's smog only moves upwards, but is created by a breadth-first-search from the generator, so if you have too much if it in one space it's going to "leak" (read: get in your fucking base)
Fume hoods for collecting gases; dirtsmog as the reactant for converting liquid XP into acidic XP
Centrifuge Vorpal Goo to get Vorpal Dust, smelts to Vorpal Ingots; Vorpal parts on TiC tools give beheading.
Hazmat suit made from Vorpal Ingots and a configurable fabric (enchanted fabric or imp leather being good choices), grants immunity to all status effects except for "on fire". Grants no armor. Still works on taint and wither if at least the chest and shoes are equipped.
Blizz rod as TiC handle causes weapon to slow enemies. (for separate, TE-TiC bridge?)
Slow and power-hungry way of synthesizing ender pearls: Fire a laser through a nether portal at some sort of crystal. Diamond sounds too expensive. Ice? Result of putting liquid XP over lava, maybe?
- Firing a laser through a nether portal would look like shit. Maybe fire a laser AT a nether portal and it gets you some crystal blocks to make a focus out of? Hit it with antimatter, perhaps?
- Alternative process: Shoot nether portal blocks with an exceedingly high-powered laser, get crystals. Put crystals in compressor, get nether pearls. This would solve the "Liquid XP + teleporty shit is supposed to be vorpal, isn't it?" problem.
Extremely power-hungry way of turning Vorpal Goo into a End Portal; returns to Vorpal Goo when power is cut.
- GUI option to go to 1-to-1 spot if ender dragon is dead. If ender dragon is not dead goes to the standard island.
- Our own implementation of End Meteors? Xen terrain?
- GUI option to go to 1-to-1 spot if ender dragon is dead. If ender dragon is not dead goes to the standard island.
Lasers + rotatable mirrors = most awesome wireless redstone. Can hurt foes, players, you. Other uses? Laser-ignited fusion?
- Laser with an ender pearl lens should do all sorts of shit, but namely teleport players all over the place upon hitting them.
- HOLY SHIT! Awesome and (intellectually) difficult teleportation system based on ender laser wavelength and distance from player.
- Laser with an ender pearl lens should do all sorts of shit, but namely teleport players all over the place upon hitting them.
Vorpal tools that require TiC. Have unique effects, mostly being long-fucking-range.
- Display little ghost pickaxe near the block you're actually breaking.
Some way to break containment, fucking up bad enough to get a resonance cascade and turn the terrain all evil + doomy
Shadowmorn is cool: " An engine that runs on ghast tears. On dirt but produces deadly smog for being a cheap bastard. That only works in The End and is fantastic but attracts endermen swarms. A potato based engine that byproducts vodka somehow. A engine that uses cooked food and another that requires to be built on the line between a snow and sand biome that uses the radical heat difference (thanks mmochampion/Dark Legacy!) to produce heat. A kinetic engine that needs you to wind it up, AE crank style."
- " Edit: Fear powered engine. Only works in proximity to fleeing animals or ocelots. Alternatively put a cat and a creeper in it. "
"A "nuclear" engine that runs off of Hefnerium ingots, Pignite ingots or Chicknite Chunks. Turn an MFR ranch producing liquid meat into a power source when mixing the meat-goo with uranium or yellorite. Bonus points if the waste is edible, creating something akin to the KFC Double Down. Despite only pumping in blocks, nuggets or liquids the engine starts to moo, oink and cluck as it heats up. The hotter it is, the more energy the multiblock reactor is, the louder and more obnoxoius it gets. You can sate/cool it with Milk."
" Engine that runs on engines. " - the Recursion Engine?Produces fuckloads of power for those willing to sacrifice their ingots. Produces considerably less power for Rodentine Dynamos.
" -Hypercubic generators that let you have massive power for free; but randomly they will go into consumption mode and drain 10x as much as they normally output. Break the power or block and it explodes like a nuke." This is good with some variation from the original idea - separate leads for in and out, no internal buffer. If it doesn't get the power input needed while in consumption mode, it makes a marginally large explosion AND SPAWNS A WITHER
- Which is one way to get a nether star.
- Call it an Occult Dynamo, make it cost a wither skull and run very efficiently on very small amounts of blood.
- This is what happens when you throw raw pork into acidic experience.
Acidic experience as an alternative way to get slimes to spawn? Throw oredicted raw rubber or cactus sugar into acidic experience, viola.
Centrifuge netherrack dust, get something which, when thrown into acidic XP, creates blazes?
- This would still be balanced too since you'd need to kill other mobs for the liquid XP - hierarchical mob grinding.
Bottling acidic experience gets you Soul Draught, which, when drank, is basically Power Within.
Another essential from the SA thread - gunpowder engine that sets everything near it on fire.