
A Node.JS module for speech to text transcription in Discord voice channels using wit.ai.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord.js Speech Transcriber

This transcriber was made for speech to text in discord voice calls. It uses wit.ai.


To use the tool you need


Simply run

npm install discord-text-to-speech

Happy coding!


First, you need to import the module and create a Transcriber instance with your API key as shown here:

const Transcriber = require("discord-speech-to-text");

const transcriber = new Transcriber(WITAIKEY);

Next you have to join the voice channel with you Discord bot and apply the transcriber when someone says something.

Important: When you create your client object, you have to give it the GUILD_VOICE_STATES intent! Like this: const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES] });

let channel = interaction.member.guild.channels.cache.get(interaction.member.voice.channel.id);
const connection = joinVoiceChannel({
  channelId: channel.id,
  guildId: channel.guild.id,
  adapterCreator: channel.guild.voiceAdapterCreator,
  selfDeaf: false,
  selfMute: false
connection.receiver.speaking.on("start", (userId) => {
  transcriber.listen(connection.receiver, userId, client.users.cache.get(userId)).then((data) => {
    if (!data.transcript.text) return;
    let text = data.transcript.text;
    let user = data.user;

Have Fun!


An example is available as a basic Discord music bot with voice commands. GitHub


.listen(AudioReceiver, userId, user)


  • AudioReceiver type VoiceReceiver
  • userId type String; Id of the user who has to be listened to
  • user type User; Userobject of the user


  • Promise resolving into Object:
  transcript: {
    text: "text" // other values by wit.ai like natural language-processing values are stored here too
  user: <User>