
This is my first ever website

Primary LanguageHTML

Voor Luyckx

Om ook de data van de sign-up form moet u een database programma gebruiken zoals XAMPP. Hierop moet u de services Apache en MySQL aanzetten en op laten starten. U zult dan naar de website http://localhost/phpmyadmin of de website http://localhost:8080. Zo zal u terecht komen op uw database website. Dan zal u aan de linkerkant een nieuwe database aanmaken met de specifieke naam "stem website" (alles tussen "" met spaties). U zal dan een nieuwe tabel aan moeten maken met de specifieke naam "login_data" en 2 kolommen, deze 2 kolommen krijgen de specifieke naam "user_name" en "user_pass". Deze geeft u allebei als type (in het dropdown menu) "VARCHAR" en specifieert als lengte "255". Al de rest kan onveranderd blijven, als u dan alle files van deze github in de folder "C:\Xampp\htdocs\7058", Als deze folder niet zichtbaar is zult u deze moeten aanmaken. Als u dan verbind met de link http://localhost/7058/index.html krijgt u de start site te zien


For my last year in highschool I had to make a thesis and since I study STEM, which is computer science oriented, I decided to make a website where I could present some of the other people in my class and their projects. Aswell give some information about what STEM exactly is and what you can expect when studying this. This was a very interesting project to say the least because I've never coded in HTML, css, JavaScript or SQL, which are some the coding languages that are mostly used when creating websites. So I had to start from the beginning so I'm going to include a tutorial on what exactly my plan was and how my journey to learn these coding languages went.

First I had to start to learn the basics of HTML and css to give my website a start. I'd recommend looking at w3schools.com tutorials around these, they are very well explained and are perfect for beginners like me. Just try to go through the course and learn as much subjects as possible, it will make it easier if you know how to code certain things without having to look them up.

After you have a certain amount of knowledge of HTML and css you can start coding your website, this is the "easy" part. You know how to create the website, now you need to create a suitable design that you like and start working towards that. A great tip might be to draw some sketch first and try to recreate that. If you still can't figure something out, there are a lot of people online who might already have an answer for your problem. I'd recommend looking at stackoverflow or similar sites, these usually have a great variety of answers ready for you to implement in your code. Just try to understand what exactly they put in their code so you are able to recreate it later on wihtout needing the help of the internet.

Now that you have created a site you might want to add some other features like a login page or create a blog where other people can type and post text on your site. For these features you will need to use some other coding languages, for example for my website I want to add a login page, I will need to use a SQL database to store and retrieve the login data. I might even add some Javascript to make a pop-up for the login menu. These are ofcourse completly different from HTML and css so you'd have to learn these aswell. Again find a tutorial suited for your needs and try to understand everything you're being told.

Now everything is setup and ready to go, you have your site, it has all the features you wanted to add. Now you will need some form to host the website, this can either be done from a computer at home, a cloud server or a personal server. All of these require some setup individually to make them operational but it will look quite similar. I'd recommend for people who are looking to make a website with low expected people using the site to use a computer at home or a personal cloud server (I am going to explain how you can do this yourself). For people who are interested of course in creating a site that will have a lot of people visiting it at the same time, a cloud server is probably the cheapest option. You could use a personal server but these usually will be quite expensive as you will need a secure and fast server.

To setup a computer at home or a personal server, you will need to make sure that they have the correct software installed. This means you will have to install software for a website host or software to use with SQL (for people with a personal server, most of the time these will have some type of interface pre-installed so you just need to find the software in the interface and you might need to look up how to setup the software). If you're sure you have everything installed, you can now make sure to move all the required files of your website to the machine and start it up. You will notice however that in order to connect to the website you will need to enter the ip-addres of the server where the website is hosted on. If you want to be able to use a custom url, you'll need to buy or register a domain first. I am not going to explain how you can do this or how you can redirect people to your server because it's pretty self explanatory and there are a lot of tutorials out there already. Now people should be able to connect to your website, congrats you've just setup your very first website and hosted it.