BullMQ Prometheus Exporter

Publish docker image to AWS/ECR:

python3 -m venv --upgrade-deps env && \
./env/bin/pip3 install -r requirements_dev.txt
export IMAGE_NAME=""
export IMAGE_TAG=""
export AWS_ECR_NAME=""
./env/bin/python3 push_aws_ecr.py
docker logout "${AWS_ECR_NAME}"


  • HOST - HTTP server host (default:
  • PORT - HTTP server port (default: 3000)
  • PROM_PREFIX - Prometheus metric prefix (default: bull)
  • BULL_PREFIX - BullMQ prefix (default: bull)
  • REDIS_HOST - Redis host (default:
  • REDIS_PORT - Redis port (default: 6379)
  • REDIS_PASSWORD - Redis password
  • REDIS_DB - Redis databases (comma separated list of colon separated tuples index:alias) (default: 0:default)
    • For example 0:staging,1:sandbox, the alias will be used as a label
  • REDIS_TIMEOUT - Redis connection timeout (default: 10000)
  • REDIS_CA - Redis CA certificate (base64 encoded CA certificate) (default: none)
    • For example cat ca.crt | base64


  • /metrics - Prometheus metrics
    • HTTP 200 - Metrics per queue
      • active_total - Number of jobs in processing
      • wait_total - Number of pending jobs
      • waiting_children_total - Number of pending children jobs
      • prioritized_total - Number of prioritized jobs
      • delayed_total - Number of delayed jobs
      • failed_total - Number of failed jobs
      • completed_total - Number of completed jobs (last 1 minute)
  • /health - Health endpoint
    • HTTP 200 - Redis is available
    • HTTP 503 - Redis is unavailable


# HELP bull_active_total Number of jobs in processing
# TYPE bull_active_total gauge
bull_active_total{queue="child","db"="default"} 0
bull_active_total{queue="parent","db"="default"} 0

# HELP bull_wait_total Number of pending jobs
# TYPE bull_wait_total gauge
bull_wait_total{queue="child","db"="default"} 0
bull_wait_total{queue="parent","db"="default"} 0

# HELP bull_waiting_children_total Number of pending children jobs
# TYPE bull_waiting_children_total gauge
bull_waiting_children_total{queue="child","db"="default"} 0
bull_waiting_children_total{queue="parent","db"="default"} 0

# HELP bull_prioritized_total Number of prioritized jobs
# TYPE bull_prioritized_total gauge
bull_prioritized_total{queue="child","db"="default"} 0
bull_prioritized_total{queue="parent","db"="default"} 0

# HELP bull_delayed_total Number of delayed jobs
# TYPE bull_delayed_total gauge
bull_delayed_total{queue="child","db"="default"} 0
bull_delayed_total{queue="parent","db"="default"} 0

# HELP bull_failed_total Number of failed jobs
# TYPE bull_failed_total gauge
bull_failed_total{queue="child","db"="default"} 0
bull_failed_total{queue="parent","db"="default"} 0

# HELP bull_completed_total Number of completed jobs
# TYPE bull_completed_total gauge
bull_completed_total{queue="child","db"="default"} 0
bull_completed_total{queue="parent","db"="default"} 0