
Server infra for kingdom like web games.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Kingdom server

Bundle allows creation of kingdom like server based on Symfony 3.*.

Purely a hobby project.

Build Status

Does not contain any client nor will i support client development

Feature List

  • Set up
    • Generators
    • Command
  • Server
    • Multiple server listening on different domain
    • Server rules
      • Build rule
      • Attack rule
      • Effect rule
    • Events
    • Chat
    • Building
    • Attack
    • Quest
    • Avatar
      • Stats
      • Look
      • Inventory
    • Consumables
    • Treasures
    • Kingdom
      • Influence
      • Kings and Governors
  • Tests


Install the package via composer

Add the repository to composer.json after creating a new symfony 3.* project

    "repositories" : [{
        "type" : "vcs",
        "url" : "https://github.com/7thcubic/kingdom-server-bundle"
composer require kori\kingdom-server-bundle 

Add the package to the kernel

   $bundles = [
        new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(),
        new Kori\KingdomServerBundle\KoriKingdomServerBundle()

Configure the server

        domain: game.domain.com
        db_connection: "@doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager" # Provide a different entity manager for each instance
        rate: 1 # Server speed
        days_of_protection: 7 # Protection period

Set up the server

Run the following command to set up the server.

php bin/console kingdom:setup

# Example 
php bin/console kingdom:setup -g CustomWorld -g NPC

Optional Parameters:

  • --override/-o: Overrides the current world and run set up again
  • --generator/-g: Generators to use
  • --ignore_restrictions/-ignore: Ignores the generator requirements

Note: There is a strict requirement of providing a world, race, building, technology and units generator.

Creating custom generators

  • All generators must implement the GeneratorInterface.
  • There are no restrictions on types.
  • Generators runs from smallest to largest, 0 -> ...
  • Existing types are:
    • World: 0
    • Race: 1
    • Building: 2
    • Technology: 3
    • Units: 4
    • NPC: 5
    • Quest: 6
    • Consumables: 7


Rule systems are required for logic handling, it allows for expending of current rule set.

Assigning rules

If no rules are defined for the server, the default rule set would be used.

While there can be multiple build rule set, there can only be 1 attack rule per server.

      build: [basic, additional1, ... ]
      attack: standard

To define rules to use for a particular server

       build: [basic]
       attack: weakbuilding

Creating Rules

You may create and assign different rule set to the different servers.

Build Rules

Build rule is used to process and validate a valid build request.

To register a build rule add the tag name "kori_kingdom.build_rule" to the service

# Example
    resource: '../../Rules/Build/*'
      - { name: kori_kingdom.build_rule }

All Build rules must implement the BuildRuleInterface

Attack Rule

Attack rule is used to process the result of a fight between two towns.

To register an attack rule add the tag name "kori_kingdom.attack_rule" to the service

    resource: '../../Rules/Attack/*'
      - { name: kori_kingdom.attack_rule }

All attack rule must implement the AttackRuleInterface

Effect Rule

Effect rule is used to process the effects of consuming an item.

To register an attack rule add the tag name "kori_kingdom.effect_rule" to the service

# Example
    resource: '../../Rules/Effects/*'
      - { name: kori_kingdom.effect_rule }

All effect rule must implement the EffectRuleInterface