
Scripts to fix WoWS ContentSDK unpack files to be usable for the PnFMods API.

Primary LanguagePython

	Repairs the broken files related to the ship models extracted by ContentSDK. How to extract: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/174245-modapi-contentsdk/
		INFO: This compiles a list of all the active MP tags in the patch into notObsolete.txt. 
			  You only need to run this once per patch.
		SETUP: In order to run this, you need to unpack the entire /gameplay/ folder from the WoWS Unpack tool.
			   Place gatherMP.py and notObsolete.txt in /content/gameplay/ and run this script.
		INFO: This deletes all obsolete MP nodes from .visual files in conjunction with notObsolete.txt.
		SETUP: Just place in the second layer of the mod folder e.g. /myMod/USD507_Haida/, or in other words, 
			   place it next to the compile.info alongside notObsolete.txt.
			   ---This directory will be refered to as the "lobby"---
		INFO: This moves all lods and updates paths in .model files
		SETUP: Just place in the lobby
		INFO: This updates fx node and /common/ maps
		SETUP: Just place in the lobby
		INFO: This stores active MP tags
		SETUP: First place in /content/gameplay/ to compile MP.
			   Afterword, place in the lobby
	1. If you haven't compiled all the MP files, do it: 
		move gatherMP.py and notObsolete.txt to /content/gameplay/ and run gatherMP.py. Then move notObsolete.txt to the lobby
	2. Run removeMP.py
	3. Run fixFMF(SEA).py
	4. Run moveLods.py
	(technically 2,3, and 4 can be interchanged)
	AstreTunes and SEA group for guidance and script skeleton