This is a game web application that displays a list of scores i.e when two players take turns to play and roll one die. If the player lands on a value of 1, all his/her previous scores are eliminated. Alternatively they can avoid this by passing on the turn to the next person and keeping the score.
The program should return the two players names.
- Input : Player 1 / PLayer 2
- Output : Player 1 / PLayer 2
The program should display a score after the player has rolled a die.
- Input : Click on the roll button
- Output : A score value ranging from 1 to 6.
The program should retain the current players score if they choose to hold.
- Input : Clicking on the hold button
- Output : Possible values displayed. [1,2,3,4,5,6]
The program should change a players score to 0 if they land one the die value of 1.
- Current value: 6
- Input : Click on roll and the displayed value is 1.
- Output : [0]
The program should allow the pair a maximum of 6 consecutive turns.
- Input : One of the players clicks on roll for 6 times.
- Output : The turn is given to the next player.
The program should alert a message when one of the individuals reaches a score of 100.
- Input : Player 1 or Player two attain score 100.
- Output : Congratulations!! You have won the game.
- Clone or Download the repository on your command line terminal to view or edit the content. GitBash.exe for windows and Terminal for Linux.
- Click on the following website link to view the site.
All bugs fixed.
- HTML 5.
- CSS.
- Javascript and Jquery.
This was an independent project. For any corrections or improvement kindly contact me on gmail.(
- 1.You'll need a text editor such as Github's Atom.
- 2.Bootstrap framework to facilitate the better format of the website.
- 3.Javascript and jquery to facilitate the mathematical prospect of the project.
Copyright (c) [2017] ShadrackNdolo.