
First Working Sample Using Xamarin for iOS and Android, by Shady Selim

Xamarin Sample

First Working Sample Using Xamarin

📜 Description

Purpose of the training was to use Xamarin and Visual Studio Community Edition for Mac to create 2 apps:

  • Android
  • iOS

💡 Motivation and Context

I needed to retest the new Xamarin after my last trial years ago, but this was the 1st time to use Visual Studio Community Edition for Mac, and it had been years since I used .Net. It was a very challenging project, and to be frank, I didn't like the experience:

  • Cross libraries 'Nuggets' were not really cross
  • Had to handle so much native Kotlin and Swift logic for a very small testing application, question is what will happen when the scope gets bigger
  • Android Configuration was not a breeze, eventhough I already had the Android SDK and Java JDK installed, but had to install it again for the Xamarin
  • Had to install extra package and tools to build for iOS and run the Simulator
  • App didn't behave or look the same on the 2 platforms, and had to do my own tweaks
  • Shortline, for a tool promised to save time and share 80% of the code, that wasn't true

📸 Screenshots